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Moon Warriors novel Chapter 56

The second day witnessed an activity hosted by the Turner family.

The Turner family once again booked the whole F.K. International Hotel for cooperation with the Bates family in River Capital. After losing face in the Martin family last time, Isaac was bound to redeem his reputation.

The Bates family in River Capital was a family firm, the assets of which could compete against Ray.

Thus, this was a grand activity, bigger than that of last time.

A number of the participants commended the Turner family for being so competent to forge a cooperation with such an influential family. Normally, such an influential family in River Capital would never take a small family in K City into account。

However, the Turner family made it.

The activity had not started when Andrew and Emily arrived.

Not far from the gate of F.K. International Hotel, there was an old-aged male street vendor, who had attracted many attentions of people on the street.

When Andrew and Emily were walking on the street, they heard some discussion.

“This blind old man is really impressive. Just with a touch, he can tell my husband’s family background.”

“If I was not married, I would not buy it. But I have already been married. So, it’s really impressive that he can actually tell it correctly”

“I will take my daughter to him some other day to foresee my future son-in-law.

Women’s curiosity was ten times stronger than that of men. On hearing of this, Emily was suddenly curious about it.

“Andrew, let’s go and take a look”

Andrew never rejected Emily’s request, so he just nodded and said “okay”.

After a while, they came to a place crowded with people. In the center of the crowd stood a blind old man wearing worn-out yet clean antique cambric shirt. He had long grey hair and mustache, looking like an immortal in a way.

In front of him laid a number of colorful stones. These colors were rare to see, but people in this bustling city preferred only jewelry and jade. No one showed any interest in what laid in front of him.

Near the stones, there was a board saying “fortune-teller based on physiognomy for women only”

The board was much given to speculation. If he’s not an old man, people would speculate that he aimed to flirt with women by reading their faces.

There used to be a person who could tell fortune by touching the breasts and only the breasts of women. The fortune-teller was then reported by someone and arrested.

When they approached, many people were talking about the remarkable stories of the old man.

“It’s very accurate, even more accurate than what others were told based on their date of birth.”

“Just a slight touch, he can tell the name of her husband, it’s incredible.”

“I think the old man is an immortal descending to the earth for a patrol.”

At this time, a woman was squatting in front of the old man. He was touching the woman’s palm, from fingertip to arm and from little finger to thumb. Whenever he was touching the joints, he would stop and meditate for a while.

Three minutes later, he laid the woman’s hand down and said, “Madam, you are from an ordinary family and both of your parents are ordinary workers. However, you are married to a good man, who, if I didn’t make it wrong, is home to a hotel, a big hotel.”

The woman covered her mouth surprisingly and said, “You’re very right. You’re a remarkable immortal.”

The old man smiled and dropped into silence.

Emily had a look at Andrew and whispered, “I want to see if he really knows everything.”

Chapter 56 The General! 1


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