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Moon Warriors novel Chapter 8

Andrew tip-toed and looked at Mario.

Mario said all recalcitrant, “I’ll bring you guys there. I’d like to see how you guys are going to get in!”

He didn’t believe that the invitation in Andrew’s hands was real. Who was Andrew to receive an invitation from Ray?

They were just faking when they said they were taking part in the conference. Once they were out of his vision, they would definitely go somewhere else.

And hence he should just bring them there. Once they reached the F.K. International Hotel, they wouldn’t be able to fake any more.

He would love to see how they would weasel their way out.

Emily also knew that Andrew faked the invitation card because the invitations were all given out long ago. Based on their status, they wouldn’t be allowed to go in.

She was going to reject Mario’s offer.

But then Andrew said, “Great, it would be nice to have a driver.”

Mario, who was grinning, was fuming in anger when he heard what Andrew said, “Hmph, I’ll see this till the end.”

“Andrew, are we really going?” asked Emily worriedly as she frowned.

Andrew calmly nodded and said, “Of course.”

“But…” Emily wanted to mention that they wouldn’t be able to get in because they didn’t have an invitation but not going meant that they would be playing into Mario’s hands.

Andrew interrupted her and said, “No buts, let’s go!”

Soon the three of them arrived at the F.K. International Hotel. It was already filled with cars and was crowded. Many heard that Ray was coming and was here all ready to take a glance at him.

Nowadays, a rich and powerful person’s appearance was more of importance than celebrities. Not to mention that this man had a net worth of tens of billions.

“Hey, Emily, Andrew, I’ll be here watching you guys trying to get in,” Mario smirked as he looked at them.

Andrew grabbed Emily’s hand and got out of the car. The moment they got out, Emily quickly said, “Andrew, we should find a chance to leave.”

“Leave? Go where?” retorted Andrew.

Emily was vexed, she said, “You faked that invitation card. The checker will be able to immediately tell and I don’t want to be embarrassed.”

“Yo, isn’t it Ms. Clark?” Cayden and Jason walked over.

Emily looked uncomfortable the moment she saw them.

“Where are you going dressing up like that, Ms. Clark?” said Cayden sarcastically.

Andrew looked at Cayden and said, “Participating in the conference. And you?”

Jason laughed wintrily and said, “Am I hearing things or are you spouting nonsense? Participating in the conference you say, do you even have an invitation card?”

Jason pulled out a golden coloured invitation card from his pocket and purposely showed it off in front of them. Emily’s heart skipped a beat when she saw that invitation card, it looked exactly the same as the one Andrew took out just now.

Emily looked curiously at Andrew. He had to see this invitation card before and made an exact copy.

“This is the invitation card., Oone can only enter with this. Do you guys have one?” Jason talked down to them.

“Of course, why else would we be here?” Andrew took out the two invitation cards he had.

Jason and Cayden were taken aback., Tthey looked at each other all puzzled. But Cayden then said, “Hmph, you think you can go in with a fake one?”


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