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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22 

You wanted me to keep my mouth shut?Sofia suddenly turned towards. him. Then she smiled. Father, do you really want them to ruin my reputation because of unfounded accusations?she asked

The lawyers will handle everything. I have already asked the IT department to track the ones who made the accusations online,Lawrence said. He had expected this reaction from her

So, you simply wanted me not to say a wordSofia muttered

At the end of the day, everything is still up to you.” 

You are not giving me that many choices,Sofia smiled

Lawrence pursed his lips. Sofia was not dumb. She probably knew that she did not have that many options. However, Lawrence was confident that she would only choose the first option as she truly cared for Charlotte. Still, Lawrence wanted her to choose the second option

However, that will affect how the shareholders view your name. With the Annual shareholder’s meeting happening in just a few days, it is too risky to let this issue continue,Lawrence spoke. Just as he expected, Sofia’s gaze 


I am not a public figureSofia said

This issue will affect the clothes that you design. Soon enough, someone could spark something and tell everyone else to boycott your clothes and the brand itself; we cannot let that happen,” Lawrence said: You can do what you want. I am simply trying to tell you the possible outcome of your move.” 

If I say something, some people might start another rumor about my sister,” Sofia frowned. I know how hard Charlotte had worked for her 

career. I cannot let a rumor ruin her.” 

Lawrence was pleased to hear that answer. Either way, he can still release what he has on her. However, it might not have the effect that he wanted. It was said butit is what it is

The effect would still be the same

Very wellI am giving you the time to decide.Lawrence said. I will stand with you no matter what.Seeing Sofia’s teary eyes, Lawrence patted her shoulder before he took his coat and left the office. He always knew that Sofia would be soft against Charlotte, so Lawrence chose to use Charlotte for his schemes

At first, Charlotte did not want to do it, but soon, she was convinced that Lawrence was only doing this for her own good

However, the moment he left the office, Sofia’s sad expression vanished. She stared at the nowclosed door for a few seconds before turning her attention towards the people downstairs

Right now, she was certain that Lawrence was waiting for her to issue a statement, and say something about this matter. Then he would release the plagiarism case against Sofia

Lawrence was really creative with his plans so far and Sofia could not help but applaud the man’s efforts

If Sofia had been alone, she would have easily fallen into his traps, but she wasn’t. She balled her hands into two tight fists as she thought about the email that Alexander just sent her. Slowly she turned towards her laptop and read the email for the second time

Attached to it was the same information that Karina was able to secure a few days ago. It was about Doctor Mulach and his past stint in South East Asia. However, this was more detailed; it included a lot of things that Karina had missed, like sealed cases in Indonesia

LawrenceSofia gritted her teeth. Lawrence had actually worked with


Chapter 22 

murderer and asked this very same murderer to take care of her mother

How could he be so heartless

Sofia’s mother loved him. She worshiped him

Eunice Lockhart had given Lawrence everything that he could ever ask for, and yet he would do something like this

That man deserves to rot in the deepest part of hell

Miss, the Chairman has already left,Miss Amores said

Sofia turned her attention to her secretary. Alexander told her that Miss Amores should be clean. However, she had asked Karina to do a thorough background check. So far, Karina has not found anything that would tie Miss Amores to Lawrence. The same cannot be said for the rest of Sofia’s 


Lawrence had a few people on his payroll. One of them is Mrs. Phelps, the current Production Manager. Another one is working on HR. Her driver should be one of those people, but she already fired him. From her initial investigation, Mrs. Phelps had given some of her designs to Lawrence. Soon, these designs would be used in the plagiarism issue

To try and cover up her tracks, she would openly talk to Mr. Oh about production among other things. She would then use this meeting as a way to prove her innocence- after all, if she was a spy, then she would not openly talk to Mr. Oh and try to hide her tracks

Right now, Sofia was still trying to understand the reason why Mrs. Phelps thought this would work. There should be another reason why she had been openly talking to Mr. Oh sadly, Sofia does not have a way to read the woman’s mind

Still, she was thankful that she was able to trace some leaks. This prompted her to be very careful about her future designs and find out 


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