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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23 

Sofia stared at the news on the tablet. Alexander had warned her that this would happen, but reading the news was enough to disturb her

[Breaking: LH DESIGNS Interim CEO Sofia Lockhart Faces Allegations of Bullying and Design Theft

[Controversy Surrounds LH GROUP: Interim CEO Sofia Lockhart Under Fire for Alleged Design Theft and Bullying

[LH DESIGNS in Turmoil: Interim CEO Sofia Lockhart Faces Accusations. of Bullying and Intellectual Property Theft

[Exclusive Report! LH GROUP’s Sofia Lockhart Accused of Design. Plagiarism and Workplace Bullying

[LH DESIGNS Interim CEO Sofia Lockhart Grapples with Allegations of Bullying and Design Theft

[Sofia Lockhart, Interim CEO of LH GROUP, Faces Backlash Over Design Plagiarism and Workplace Bullying

[Design Scandal Rocks LH DESIGNS: CEO Sofia Lockhart Accused of Bullying and Plagiarism

[LH GROUP Shaken by Scandal: Sofia Lockhart, Interim CEO, Accused of Stealing Designs and Workplace Bullying

[Breaking News: LH DESIGNS CEO Sofia Lockhart Entangled in 

Allegations of Design Plagiarism and Bullying

She turned her tablet off and stared at the wine on the table, then towards the man sitting opposite her. Before she could say a single word, her phone started ringing. It was Daniel

She answered it but chose not to say a word


Chapter 23 

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Where are you? Why aren’t you answering the door?Daniel’s voice reverberated against her ears. I know you are inside. Give me the password; let me in.” 

Do you believe the news?Sofia asked

What are you talking about?Daniel asked. Why would I believe something that stupid?” 

Sofia said nothing

Now open the door. I brought foodyour favorite.” 

Still, Sofia said nothing. Daniel had always been the first one who would comfort her in times like this. Who would have thought that he was only doing this because of her shares

A part of her wanted to ask him if any of it was real but ended up sighing. Please leave. I need to finish some designs. I will talk to you tomorrow.” 

Babe-Daniel tried to say a few more words, but Sofia ruthlessly ended. the call without waiting for his response

He is outside,Sofia said. I believe it is time that I change residence.” She glanced at Alexander, who sat at ease on her couch. His legs were casually propped up on the couch, dressed in gray sweatpants, and a loose robe draped over his upper body. Folders and his tablet lay casually on the coffee table

The man was really too good at treating this as his own home

Josef bought itI hope you do not mind?he uttered when he noticed. her staring at her robe

She shook her head

I have already prepared the guest room for you. The lock combination is naturally our wedding anniversary.” 

Chapter 23 

“…Sofia did not know if she would take that word seriously

I am serious.” 

06% 14:27 

Was it really the date of their wedding? She looked at him in disbelief

Seeing this, he chuckled. You should probably call that father of yours, no?” 

Sofia shrugged. Logically, she should call that man to avoid suspicion. However, she was not going to do that now. Instead of picking up her phone, she poured some more wine into her glass. Twirling the glass, she watched as the velvety scarlet liquid moved, reflecting the fireplace in her living room

Thank you,” she uttered after a few minutes of silence

Thank you?” 

I know you are busy.It was not a coincidence that he immediately arrived just a few minutes after her arrival. He must have canceled a few meetings just to come here. Perhaps, he already knew that Lawrence. would release the news today, so he chose to accompany her

Are you certain you would be alright?he asked, lifting an eyebrow. I could accompany you to your bedroom if that would make you feel better.” 

Unable to stop herself, she smiled. RightWho would have thought that the Chairman of Beaumont Empire had a hobby of making people smile? She never thought that this would be possiblenot even once

Why are you planning to leave that jerk?he asked

Soonshe answered almost immediately. Then she narrowed her eyes on him. Is something the matter?She had actually forgotten to ask his feelings about everything


Chapter 23 

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As your husband, knowing that you have a boyfriend is naturally making me uncomfortable,he said. Besides, Aunt has been wanting to meet with you again. She wanted to talk about the wedding.” 

The wedding?” 

I wanted one for you, for us.he chuckled. She was excited when I told. her perhaps she could help you plan it.He leaned towards her, took her empty wine glass, poured some wine into it, and finished it before Sofia could say another word

A wedding for me?Sofia frowned. She thought about that when she signed those papers but didn’t delve deeper into the matter as she was busy with the company

You do not want one?” 

No, I-This was The Jenny Thomas! She was well known for her fashion sense and elegant style! Who wouldn’t want her to plan a wedding for them? If anything, she did not know what to say

For some reason, she could only feel warmth in her heart. She wanted to tell him how excited she was, but once again, her phone vibrated, interrupting the conversation between them

She looked at it. It’s LawrenceSofia said. She quickly answered it. Father?” 

Have you seen the news?Lawrence asked. Sofia chose not to answer for a few seconds before she said. HmmmI did.” 

Don’t worry, I already asked our team to issue a statement about this matter. For security purposes, it would be best if you come back to the mansion. I have already sent people to get you. You-” 

NoSofia interrupted him

Chapter 23 


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