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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24 

Workplace bullying, in general, is not only bad for LH DESIGNS but can easily affect LH Group,Mr. Randy Thompson, the legal counsel of LH GROUP, let out a sigh. I would advise Miss Lockhart to avoid the media for now. We are going to do our best to take care of things. We have already followed all the proper protocols in case something like this happens, and we are confident that we can resolve this matter soon. Please, Miss Lockhart, the best possible thing you can do now is to stay inside this mansion where you are safe, surrounded by your family.” 

Is this the reason why you asked me to come?Sofia looked at Lawrence, who was silently sitting next to Mr. Thompson. I thought we already talked about this.” 

Since she discovered that these people had been fooling her for years, this was the first time that she agreed to come to where Lawrence and her mother used to livethe very same house that contains all the memories. she had growing up

In the past, she frequented this house despite living on her own. She shared meals with Lawrence and her mother and would sometimes spend the night here

However, since she discovered their betrayal, she had avoided this place like a plague. She did not want to recall her past. It would only remind her that she was but a foola gullible fool

She couldn’t help but look around the meeting room. The room was only one of the many rooms inside this mansion. However, unlike most rooms, this one had a cozy vibenot too big, not too small

A decentsized rectangular table sat in the middle, where Sofial accidentally bumped her head once trying to surprise her mom. It doubled as a library and a meeting spot, filled with familiar bookshelves lining the walls

Chapter 24 


The place smelled a bit like old books and memoriesthe kind Sofia used to cherish before discovering the betrayal

Large windows let in enough light to brighten the room, and heavy curtains hung by the sides. The walls were adorned with some classic paintings, nothing too flashy

The floor was covered in a soft rug, and a couple of comfortable chairs were scattered around the table. It was a room that witnessed countless conversations and shared meals, but now it felt different, tainted by the past she wanted to forget

I want you to hear the thoughts of an expert about this matter,” Lawrence calmly spoke. I know you wanted to prove your capability, but I promised your mother that I would take care of you. As your father, I would never let those people go. Mr. Thompson is the head of the legal counsel, and he is working with our PR team on a statement in an hour. Is that right, Mr. Thompson?” 

Yes. Please listen to the chairman Miss Lockhart. Right now, I would suggest that you stay inside this mansion. We simply cannot risk it.” 

I already found a place to stay,Sofia calmly spoke. She leaned back and met Lawrence’s gaze. Everyone knew that I grew up in this mansion. If someone truly wanted to harm me, then this would be the first place that they are going to infiltrate.” 

I would never let any harm-” 

Father,” Sofia interrupted Lawrence. She fought the urge to start puking. How could she call this man father? Right now, she could only blame herself for everything

If If she had not been too complacent, then perhaps she would have noticed something amiss and told her mother. Her mother would have listened to Sofia and avoided this man

Chapter 24 

I do not want to stay here,she uttered

Leave us,Lawrence said

Mr. Thompson and two other people promptly left the room, leaving 

them alone

6% 14:28 

Is this about your mother?Lawrence asked. I knew you were always in a bad mood when-” 

I just want to be alone,Sofia said. She immediately got up, intending to leave the room too. She found the current atmosphere stifling

suffocating. Just hearing this man talk about her mother was enough to rile her up

All she wanted was to slap him, ask him how he could do something like this to them! She had trusted this man with all her life

She had treated him as a father, a friend, a confidant, and a mentor. The betrayal truly hurt her, and she was forced to acknowledge that now

Where are you going to stay?he asked

Far away from the media,Sofia uttered. She had already accepted Alexander’s offer to stay in his house; the security in his building was top- notch. Sofia’s hesitation did not last long. She could not possibly read Lawrence’s mind. She did not know what this man would do just to achieve his goals

So, when Alexander offered a security detail, she accepted it without having second thoughts. She was not stupid enough to ignore her security


Lawrence’s words were interrupted when the door suddenly burst open. SisterCharlotte’s irritating voice echoed inside the room. She stood in front of Sofia with her pink frilly dress and took both of Sofia’s hands. Are 

Chapter 24 

you alright? If you want me to help, just please tell me. I would do everything to fix this situation.” 

0 14:28 

Charlotte, what are you talking about?Lawrence immediately frowned. This is not something that you should say. The company can handle the news. There is no need to involve yourself in this matter. You should leave” 

Was it because I am not a Lockhart?Charlotte asked; her eyes were already full of tears. Despite her accusatory tone, she did not let Sofia’s hand go. Instead, she tightened her grip around Sofia’s hand. I know I am not supposed to involve myself in the company since I am not a Lockhart, but they are hurting Sofia. How could I let them do that?– 

Lawrence narrowed at her. That is not true.” 

Charlotte looked at Sofia, her face full of worry. How about you stay with me instead? My agency has offered security, and my house-” 

I don’t think we need that,Sofia smiled. She slowly wriggled her hand out of Charlotte’s hand. I am leaving.” 

Are you not going to stay in the mansion?Charlotte asked, confusion. apparent in her eyes


But You are safe here.” 


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