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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43

So, you are not planung to stay at home after your marriage or asked Sofia as the maid started pouring them tea. Seeing Sofia’s surprise Zor smiled I am simply curious”

“Would it not be better if you focus on charities and work behind the scenes instead of directly managing a company Teresa asked, her gar fixed on Daniel, who stood next to Alexander

Daniel and Alexander took a break from the family scene after eating lunch to enjoy some golf at the bark. The golfing field belmed the mansion was a peaceful spot, with a lush green landscape stretching out beneath the August sun.

The shaded area where Teresa, Zoe, and Sola sat was surrounded by colorful flowers, adding a touch of nature’s beauty to then conversation. The scent of blooming flowers lingered in the air, creating a pleasant atmosphere for their discussion.

The comfortable chairs provided a cozy place to relax and talk, shielded from the sun by the canopy of leaves overhead.

Beyond the shaded area, the golfing field spread out, with manicured lawns and neatly arranged holes. The sound of clubs hiting golf balls occasionally reached their ears, intermingled with laughter and casual conversation

It was a simple yet serene setting. Sofia quite liked this place, except she was currently talking to her mother-in-law. By law, Teresa is already her mother-in-law as she was already married to Alexander.

“No, I do not plan to take a step back,” Sofia answered with a smile on her face. “I was trained to lead LH GROUP I don’t think that would change any time soon. Besides. Daniel and I were not even engaged yet.”

“Moreover, Daniel always knew about my ambitions…” Soft took a sip of her tea. “He knew that I was not going to slow down because of our relationship, Alexander told her that Teresa disliked women who are assertive and strong. She does not like women who know what they want and are not willing to slow down for the sake of their relationship.

Teresa immediately stopped working the moment she married Alexander’s father. She joined some charities and did mental stutt, and Alexander thought this was the reason why she always wanted a daughter-in-law who could accompany her in: doing something meaningful to the world.

or do something that could help the helpless? Charities would be very good for LH Group, Zoe smiled. Teresa and 1

Didn’t I tell you to call me mother?” Teresa looked at Zoe. “I thought we already had an understanding about this matter?”

Once again, Zoe blushed.

“Oh.” Sofia looked at Zoe “I don’t want to sound nosy, but when is your wedding day?”

“1-“Zoe’s face turned even redder.

“Alexander and her are currently having some trouble. However this does not mean that he is not going to marry her very soon. In fact, since Alexander and Zoe broke up years ago, he never once involved himself with any other womstí. has always been loyal, just like his father

Sofia pursed her lips. She took another sip of her tea as she tried to hide the smile on her lips. She really needed to talk to Alexander about this matter. It seems that he forgot to inform her that his ex would actually join them today. Sofia looked at the two men who were approaching them.

Seeing them approach, Zoe immediately got up and tried to wige Alexander’s sweat, but the latter was quick to move away. Out of nowhere, he grabbed the towel next to Sofia and used it to wipe his sweat.

Sofia wanted to tell him that the towel was supposed to be for Daniel. However, the smirk on Alexander’s face was enough to tell her that this was intentional. This man is really looking for trouble!



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