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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44

There are you taking me” Sofia asked when she noticed that they were currently taking a different route back to Springheld

Somewhere “Daniel turned towards her “A surprise

Sofia did not say another word. She was almost certain that this man would propose this weekend or in the upcoming days She could not wait for him to do it, as she really wanted to leave this jerk. Obviously, Sofia was not going to do it without showing him how wrong it was for him to mess with her.

Your mother seemed to want me to stop working if we get married. Sotia said

“And don’t you think that is reasonable?” Damel asked. “I mean we barely even see each other now that you have yet to take on the responsibility as the CEO. Once you started working

I am going to become the chairman of LH GROUP, Sofa said. She looked at his side profile. “I am not willing to sacrifice

“Isn’t it better to take a break after giving birth?”

“Or we can adopt..” Sofia said.

“Adopt? Daniel frowned. “What are you talking about!”

Adopt there are kids that need a house, a family,”


Daniel suddenly stopped the car, propelling her forward. She frowned. Luckily, she was wearing her seatbelt so she was not hurt. “What are you doing?” Sona asked. “Are you trying to kill me?”

“What do you think?” he retorted, his face ugly. “Adoption? You You are considering adoption?”

“Why not?” she asked. “Both of us can’t take care of a baby. The least that we can do is-

y to support someone’s child. Daniel interrupted her words. “Are you seriously thinking about adoption: ople’s children

She asked.

“Do you really think I would raise someone else’s child?”

Sofia only stared at him. For some reason, she found this situation comical. This man has been sleeping with her damn sister! Why was he acting like he truly wanted to have a child with her? This acting was indeed impeccable and i easily convinced her if she did not know that he was sleeping with Charlotte.

The Beaumont Family would never allow that to happen. Daniel said. “And Tam certain your grandmother would never want you to raise someone that is not a Lockhart. Isn’t that the reason why she has been bullying Charlotte since you were younger?”

“Bullying Charlotte?” Sofia asked. “What are you talking about?”

1-you told me about that in the past. Didn’t you?” Daniel’s expression cracked but he was quick to mask it with confusion. I thought you said she never included her in any events or invitations in her Gala? Isn’t that why you stopped talking to her?”


Chapter 44

Sohas lips thine to want to talk about it

named her head away: “Can you take me home”” she asked

Daniel wanted to say something but in the end, he sighed and once again started the car. “Drop me at the Garden Bay


Grandmother did not want me telling anyone about my location.” Sofia immediately brought up her grandmother’s name She knew that Charlotte told Damel things about Eulanda so it was not a surprise that he was intimidated by the mention of the older woman’s name

“I didn’t mean to raise my voice. Daniel said.

“You have been doing that in the past. Sofia said. “I knew you are stressed with your brother and work but I don’t think that is healthy in a relationship.”

“You’ve changed. Daniel suddenly said.

“I did. I decided to stop taking bullshit from people” She was honestly wondering if this man would once again start a fight, In the past, she would take everything that he threw at her.

This was not the first or the second time that he screamed at her during a disagreement. However, Charlotte would always tell her that this was normal in a relationship- disagreements and tighting are healthy. According to Charlotte, a relationship would not survive without one.


She believed that woman for years! She swallowed all of the mood swings, the screaming, the busy schedule. She took everything without saying a word because she fucking loved him

She clenched her hands into tight fists as she realized how angry she currently was. It seems that this jerk still has an effect on her! But what was she expecting!! This man had been with her for years! How could she just move on after a few days

was another thick silence before she arrived at the shopping center where a few high end condominiums are located

will pick you up tomorrow. Daniel said before she got out of the car. Obviously, she did not answer him and just slammed the door before marching towards a nearby high-end shopping center.

Seeing her back. Daniel slammed his hand against the steering wheel before letting out a scream of frustration. He immediately dialed Charlotte’s number. “Where are you now?” he asked.

“What’s wrong?” Charlotte asked. “Did something happen!”

“Nothing. I just want to see you.

“I am ready for a script at home,” Charlotte said.

“Then, I am coming to see you.

“Hmmm… Alright.”

Soon, his car started moving. What he did not know was the fact that Sofia was watching him from afar. Seeing him gone, she beamed. She purposely ruined their day as she did not want to spend a night with him. She realized that she could not actually stand behind him for too long and she did not want to end her day with her strangling him.

So, she chose the best approach and caused some arguments so she had a reason to leave. That man must be going to see



Chapter 44

Charlotte now. Sofia thought. With a blooming smile, she turned around and started shopping. After a few minutes, she decided to enjoy some tea but just before she could go out of the store, she heard Josef’s voice behind her.


Sofa halted her steps. She looked to her left and right before looking at Josef. Madam? Did he just call her Madam? “Did something happen”” she remembered telling Alexander that she would spend some money to celebrate her success. The latter was in the middle of the meeting and she knew this, so she did not expect him to come with her or even respond to her message. “Why are you here? What about-

“Boss is currently in the middle of an important meeting and he would like to apologize for not being able to accompany you in your shopping,” Josef said.


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