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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Apparently, that is not even important. Whoever it was that he was hiding from was not someone she should know. While Sofia had many assumptions, she also knew that Hugo would not verify anything

o she chose to close her mouth and focus on the treatment. Sot eyed the large testing machine in front of her. Hugo had mentioned some fancy names earlier, but at the end of the day, they were testing machines meant to test poison

“We are ready,” Hugo said as he gestured for her to walk toward the patient bed, where they were going to give her the first dose of treatment. After the treatment, weakening of the body is normal. Call me if something happens”

“Something like what?” Alexander asked

“If she were to start puking blood?”


“Tam kidding, Only one mouse experienced that, but that was because it was already so old.”

For some re

sofia did not find that funny at all. She finally sat on the bed and stared at the various vials in front of her

“Fever and muscle pam are the worst things that could happen to a human.” Hugo said. “Since the poison was still new to your blood, it did not cause any damage, so getting rid of it should be easy.”

Soha nodded and lay down, her gaze fixed on the ceiling.

“Now, calm down. I will start with the treatment.”

“Do you need me to hold your hand?” Alexander suddenly asked as he stood beside her bed.

“Uhno” She was not really scared of needles or something like that.

“What do you mean, hold her hand? Do you think she’s a child or something?” Hugo rolled his eyes. Seeing Alexander’s expression, Solia suddenly said. “Yes. I need you to hold my hand” She was not scared of the hospital or needles, but for some reason, she wanted to hold his hand! Almost immediately, Alexander’s expression lit up like a child who just received his candy

“How gross Hugo said.

“Isn’t this why you are still single!”

“Who told you that I am single?” Hugo fired back. “Alright. Hold each other’s hand. I will now start the treatment.”

And just like that, the treatment finally started.

It took Sofia almost three hours before Hugo finally said it was done. This time, she already started feeling the fatigue that Hugo told her about Luckily, Alexander was with her.

“To be honest, I thought she would faint or something Hugo said. He was currently looking at some samples of her blood in his microscope “It turns out, she is responding very well. Ah should I get more blood?”

“You can try.” Alexander mumbled. He had been standing next to Sotia since the treatment started. Sofia asked him to leave or even find a chair, but for some reason, he refused to let go of her hand. In the end, he stood beside her for three hours straight! Actually, Sofa was starting to feel guilty. She never expected him to do this, but she also does not have the heart to tell him to stop

Was she acting like a spoiled brat?


Chapter 56


Was she like it?


“Alright. I will do it next time. Hugo said. He finally removed his eyes from the microscope and turned toward Sofa “I was night. It is easier to get rid of the poison since it is fairly new to your system. However, I would advise you to take a few days of rest as it could get tiring. I don’t want you fainting in the middle of your office. Your husband would probably kill me if that happened,” Hugo said.

Sofia said nothing. Instead, she tried to get up but immediately felt dizzy, Luckily. Alexander immediately helped her out. He caught her body, and instead of just helping her stand, he actually lifted her up into his arms!

“Is that necessary Hugo asked. “We have some-”


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