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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57


ofa became soengrossed in her thoughts about Alexander’s plan model that the adding ight next to her

out in her musings, she teele a step back only to manage the dance and be to see erself tilting backward, arths flailing in furile antrene ingin stalny

n the nick of time strong arms wrapped around her preventing new is the found herself caught in the firm embrace of Alexander Their permy neet his intense paze

She felt her heart skip a brat

Careful there,” he said, his vote

with the tone Wheat rend

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shivers down her sei stettitted out gratisgreen trying to regen er composure. His hands lingered on her arms for a moment longer than nerary the waters of his south leaving an

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cleared her throat as she tried her best not to notice their close proximity.


Thank you the managed to utter, her voice a tad breathless. He nodded a subtle smile playing on his lips. You serpated

see I’m me” Unsatisfied with her own response, she added. “I didn’t sor you. I mean I saw you sitting on the chair but I did not see you standing next to me. So uh”

Senug the playful smile on his face, Sofia stopped talking. She could feel her cheeks heat up like she was about to replode

What is going on now?

“I-I should probably go You should go back to your meeting she said

“Were you looking for me?” he asked.

“No. Of course not.

“Hmmmm he nodded.

“Really. Why would I look for you? I was about to go to the kitchen to eat something Right. I am hungry, and 1- Soffa continued to stand in front of Alexander, the awkward tension hanging in the air like a thick fog. She shifted on her feet trying to break the silence with a forced laugh.

“Yeah, hungry. I was just hungry, she mumbled, avoiding his intense gaze. His teasing smurk only intensified the awkwardness. Why was she talking like like the was trying to lie her way out of this? She was really hungry! That was the reason why she was here!

He stepped a bit clover, the proximity making her heart race again. “Hungry for what? Or should I say, hungry for whom?” he teased, his voice low and suggestive

Sofia’s cheeks flushed even more. Her eyes widened, unable to process his words. Was he was he flirting with her? Did she really hear him say that? Was she hallucinating?

Perhaps, this was a part of the treatment?

*I-I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just wanted a snack. Maybe a sandwich or something,” she said.

Alexander leaned in slightly, his lips dangerously close to hers. that so?” he whispered, his breath sending shivers down her spine.


Chapter 357

Sofa felt her breath hutch She took an involuntary step back Alexander’s teasing smile widened, and he continued to playfully toy with the moment

Looking for a midnight snack?” he asked. At this point. Sofia’s mend was already buzzing with ideas for a midnight snack and only a few of them involved eating actual food that would fill her stomach.

Sofia could almost taste the unspoken desire in the air. She bit her lip nervously, feeling a magnetic pull between them.

“I should go” she stammered, attempting to regain some semblance of composure. But as she turned to leave. Alexander’s hand gently caught her arm. pulling her back towards him. The closeness was overwhelming, and for a moment, their lips were dangerously close, almost grazing each other.

“How about I come with


To the kitchen


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