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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64


“They already left?” Daniel’s cars started humming with dirty thoughts when the security of the restaurant informed him that everyone had already left- all customers. What about Sofia Where the hell is she?

Earlier, only her secretary left, so he thought she would be going out with Jenny Thomas.

He was wrong.

It turns out he had been waiting here for nothing!

He opened his phone and immediately dialed his brother’s number. Sadly, Alexander was not answering his call.

“Damn it!” Daniel hissed before going back to his car. It was already the dead of the night. He had been waiting there for hours thinking Sofia woul

igree to talk to him given all his effort!

What more did she want?

Why was she blaming him for a mistake that he made because of her? Sofia had been very busy with her work- both of them were. However, unlike Charlotte, who made an effort to travel to him and see him, Sofia stayed rooted in this damn city, working her ass off for something that she would eventually get!

Besides, once they got married, he was already planning on asking her to stop working. Wouldn’t it be good if he worked for LH Group instead?

He started his car and disappeared into the night.

Meanwhile, Alexander was staring at Sofia’s sleeping frame on the bed.

“You called me here in the dead of the night just to see if she’s alright?” Hugo frowned. He was sitting opposite his friend. “Didn’t I already tell you? She might have a fever, and that’s normal. Her body is fighting something.”

“Lower your voice. You are making too much noise.” Alexander said. “Besides… did you want me to call another physician?”

Hugo immediately stopped talking. Obviously, he wouldn’t want anyone to know that there was something inside Sofia’s body.

“Let’s go outside…” Alexander said, and the two went to his study “Did you notice any improvements?” he was asking about Sofia’s mother, Eunice.

“Unfortunately not,” Hugo made himself comfortable on Alexander’s plush sofa. “However, this is already within my expectations. She had ingested the poison for years. She might not be as worse as your mother but I do not see her waking up very soon.”

Seeing how Alexander’s face darkened at the mention of his mother, Hugo added, “There is no need to worry. We are doing our best to reverse the effect of the poison. We already stopped it from spreading but the damage has been done.”

“And that damn Dr. Tan?” Alexander asked as he poured some wine into his own cup.

“He is slowly giving away information about his connections in Asia, but we do not have anything concrete. The fact that he is working with them is making it harder.”

Alexander narrowed his eyes. After everything that the man did, he is actually secretly working for the CIA now? However, this does not surprise him anymore. “Did he reveal anything about the Triad?” he asked.

“Not for now. But I believe he would not have a choice but to reveal something about them soon…”


Chapter 64

Alexander nodded. He leaned against the table.

“You really do like her “Hugo noted as he got up and got his own drink.

“What made you think that I don’t

“What about Zoe?” Hugo asked

“What about her

“She has yet to leave the country. Your good mother had been trying to invite her back, but she had been refusing everything

“What makes you think I am interested in knowing anything about her?” Alexander asked. Hugo, Zoe, and Alexander were once really close when they were younger. However, things have changed.

“Right. Of course. Lapologize

“There is nothing to talk about”

“Come on

as he took a sip of his wine. “Then let’s talk about your wife…” Hugo smiled.

Why are you being so nosy?” Alexander glared at him.

“How am I being nosy

However, Alexander did not give him an answer. Instead, he finished his wine and opened his laptop so he could start working once again. He canceled a few meetings in the past few days so he could be with Sofia. So now, he is doing his best to get all those money back.


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