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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Alexander Beaumont.

Lawrence never expected the man to suddenly protect Sofia. However, it seems that the game has become even more complicated

“Thank you for your help. Lawrence said.

“Alexander Beaumont is not someone that you can easily intimidate. I tried to find connections between him and Sofia Lockhart. I expected some shares, secret transactions, or rendezvous, but I couldn’t find anything. I suspect that this cooperation just happened a few months back.”

Lawrence narrowed his eyes. “A”

“That is a possibility. Again. I was

ling me that the one who reported Dr. Mulach might be him and not Eulanda?”

je to find anything else noteworthy. However, the man had access to more information, especially outside of this country. It would not surprise me that he would use this so Sofia Lockhart would trust him and work with him.

Now that Lawrence thought about it. Eulanda seemed busy overseas! He assumed that this was Eulanda’s work and always underestimated Sofia! It turns out someone else was working with Sofia!

“Why do you think he is doing this?” Lawrence asked. This was something that confused him. The man literally has everything. He could get any business or woman that he wanted. So… why? What is he getting out of this cooperation?

That I do not know.”

“Do you think Daniel knew?” Lawrence asked.

“Probably not.

Lawrence pursed his lips. He never heard of any rivalry between the brothers. Their relationship seems to be decent. Alexander had been giving Daniel some projects abroad. But then again, he doesn’t know what has been happening inside the Beaumont family.

“Very well… thank you for this information.”

“And here is what I have against Eulanda. “William smiled as he handed him a smaller envelope.

Lawrence opened it. Almost immediately, his expression changed. “This is…” Inside the envelope were images of Eulanda and a younger man-a man who looked like he was still in his forties. Tan, is tall, and muscular.

He narrowed at it.

For some reason, the man looked a little familiar.

“Isn’t he someone working for her?” he asked.

“Her bodyguard… A married one. He’s been working with her for years, and she had grown protective of him.”

The images were not exactly something that could cause a scandal. There was another image of Eulanda accepting the hand that the guard offered while she was getting out of her car. There was another where the bodyguard was using his hand to protect Eulanda’s face from the sun.

There was another one with Eulanda wearing a swimsuit in a pool; his bodyguard was applying some sunscreen on her back.

Aside from this, there were many images of her talking and laughing with him.

11:43 Sat, Mar 2

Chapter 65

“These images are not-

They have been very discreet.” William said.

“Do you think this is enough to bring her down? You know how easy it is to sway public opinions these days. Lawrence said.

“Indeed.” William easily agreed. “Those are not enough to cause a scandal, but they would raise some eyebrows. If we use those images and then this “William handed him another folde-a bigger one. He opened it, and his expression immediately lit up.

“Simone Flaire had properties all over the world?” The name of the bodyguard is Simone, and it seems that he has many assets under his name! This “Do you think this is-

“How else would he be able to afford all those things?” William storted. “So far.. those are the only things that we were able to dig: however. I believe Simone could have even more things under his name. Perhaps things that he is not even aware of like a bank account in Switzerland

ompany, or many more. William offered him a smile. This is something that

could ruin Eulanda’s name.”

Lawrence nodded. An older womans actually using the money of the company to sustain her boyfriend’s lifestyle! Isn’t that something very attractive in the eyes of the public? However, this isn’t the East! This is the US.

Most businessmen don’t actually care about propriety. All they care about is money. So what if she likes younger men? So what if she’s paying him?

He needed to be careful about this matter as he did not want to shoot his own foot.


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