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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67


It had been three days since Sofia had received the treatment, and so far, her body was doing well. Just last night. Hugo had told her that there had been a lot of improvements in her blood,

In two more weeks, she would be ready for the second stage of treatment. Sadly, Hugo had also informed her that her mother’s condition remained the same.

cht… I think you should wear the red dress.” Karina, her friend, said while sitting on the plush chair inside Sofa’s office ould highlight your curves.”

That’s a mermaid dress. It won’t be comfortable,” Sofia replied. In front of them were clothes that Sofia had designed herself. Today, their goal was to choose a dress for her birthday.

Karina nodded, considering Sofis one? It’s pretty and looks comfy

Yeah, comfort is key. But the red one looks stunning on you. What about the blue

Sofia examined the blue dress, ruher fingers over the fabric “This is nice, and it feels soft. But is it too casual for the


Karina leaned back, tapping her chin. True, true. We want a balance. Oh, how about the black one? Classic and elegant What do you think?”

Sofia held up the black dress against herself and studied it in the mirror. “Classy, but maybe a bit too serious. It’s a birthday party, after all”

“Got it! What about the floral one? It’s festive and not too formal Karina grinned, showing her dislike for floral colors.

“You know, I like this. It’s cheerful. But will it match the venue? Karina shrugged. “We can make the venue match the dress. Easy fix! What else do we have here?” They continued discussing each dress, weighing the pros and cons. Casual formal. vibrant, or subdued the choices laid out before them.

“You know, this birthday I mean it’s not like there will be a lot of people there, thanks to your last-minute changes. Karina said Originally, her grandmother really wanted an extravagant birthday, but she made some last-minute changes. They could announce the fact that she would become one of the board of directors after her birthday instead. She wanted to celebrate this inside the company- with the employees.

On her birthday, only executives would be invited. She decided not to invite socialites that she had not even interacted with in the past. Luckily, her grandmother agreed. So, her birthday had become smaller. The three guests that her grandmother originally planned became fifty.

“I told her… we can make this as grand as possible. After all, receiving her inheritance is not going to be a small milestone.” Eulanda’s voice suddenly echoed behind them. Sofia froze for a few seconds before she turned and saw the dashing woman wearing an all-black ensemble.

“Grandmother…” Sofia smiled. “How come you are here?”

“So now I don’t have the right to visit my only granddaughter?” Eulanda lifted an eyebrow She then looked at Miss Amores. “I need coffee. No sugar or milk.”

“I thought you were still in Europe?” Sofia said before she kissed her grandmother’s cheeks.

“I was… a couple of hours ago,” Eulanda looked at Karina. “You look dashing Karina. How have you been? I hope Adam has been treating you well?”

Sofia immediately looked at her grandmother and tried to signal her to stop talking about Adam. However, her grandmother either did not understand her meaning or simply wanted to tease Karina.


1:43 Sat, Mar 2

Chapter 67

“Hello, Mrs. Lockhart…” Karina smiled. “Adam is just being Adam. I am certain he is enjoying himself though.”


“Ah… that lawyer can be very tough. I told him once he would never find someone because of his arrogance. Not even a fake one would survive. To this day, I laugh at his grandfather for not having a grandchild despite Adam’s age:

“Isn’t he only thirty-three?” Karina asked.

“His grandfather is nearing his eighties.” Eulanda smiled.

“Oh..” Karina and Sofia nodded at the same time.

“Very well.. sing

here. Let me help you pick out a dress.” Eulanda immediately said. “Bring it in…” she

the doors to Sofia’s office opene, and two men wearing black suits wheeled in more


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