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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 68

Chapter 68


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Family, or at least the

shot in wasted the public to know the suddenly warm ber about

about: Kitsunder. However, Sofa chose not to delve

They were together because they

ringe for their

father’s hand

Your on a not that good to begin with Coupled with the


you really come here to ask me such

  1. I know you dislike your brother

the real estate world are vast, yet you — was wet witually the one tuding test as your own building” letur asked. Kirsander deaded He only stared at has

7 sue underund why you would sudden draumehung a reasonable”

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This cond help put the sad his brows frowning “Your relationship with Daniel

Tour sur wanted any Kangany,” Arzaller sterred. He waterdeo marry Sofia own her shares in Beaumont Empire, and



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Chapter 54

Hems son too. Bears Beaumont Arthur sand

Then why not give him my position Alexander asked in a changing tone. You seemed very convinced that he is capable Make him the charman make him the CEO

The his father did not anewer take it that you only consider him as your son because you like his mother Alexander smirked

Please, this is not the time to talk about the paar”

Of course.” Alexander smiled Although this whole thing makes me wonder where your stand is about cheating Sadly I

di precalled what you did to my mother- with the wastan that she considered her friend nonetheless.”


hur hissed his face turning black.

Alexander only marked and watched his father’s expression I mean if this incident was able to confirm one that is the fact that Daniels indeed your son”

Alexander stoned. Seeing Alexander’s reaction, the older man calmed himself down. “You will fix this”

Fix what?”

Your brother has been holed up in his place for days Your mother is getting worried.”

My mother is dead Alexander said his face devoid of any expression. Or have you forgotten that? Perhaps you wanted me to remind you how she died?

Arthur paused but eventually continued speaking while ignoring Alexander’s remarks Teresa is getting worried”

“And you don’t like it when she’s worried?” Alexander asked.

Instead of responding to his provocations. Arthur sighed. “I don’t want to see my family broken just because of a woman”

“Ah.” Alexander smiled What would this man do if they knew that the woman’ who was trying to ruin his ‘perfect family was already his daughter-in-law? “Right. Of course. It is my responsibility to fix everything even when I am not involved in the cheating Alexander said

“Don’t worry Josef will add this to my already full schedule.” He got up and closed the buttons on his suit. However, as


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