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Mr. Conrad Proposes to His Ex-wife Again novel Chapter 47

Clarence said, “Aren’t they yours? Move them away. I will feel bothered when I see them.”

Stella was silent for two seconds, “Mr. Conrad, if you don’t want them, just throw them away.”

“Do I employ my maids to throw rubbish for you? Throw them by yourself.”

Stella was rendered speechless.


“There are many things. I can’t.”

Clarence remained indifferent, “Why don’t you throw some of them every day?”

Stella took a deep breath, “All right. But I have to deal with my work now, I hope Mr. Conrad can give me several more days.

Only after several seconds did Clarence reply with a nasal sound, which sounded like a blessing.

“Then I will go first. Goodbye Mr. Conrad.”

Just as Stella took two steps, Clarence’s voice sounded from behind her, “My driver will give you a ride.”

Stella refused, “No need to bother him, I can hail a taxi.”

“Didn’t you say that you’re so beautiful that everyone will fall for you at the first sight? Are you afraid that it would be unsafe for a girl to walk on the road alone?”

Stella laughed drily after a long while, “Did I say that?”

Clarence shifted his gaze. Apparently, he didn’t want to talk to Stella now.

Stella touched her nose awkwardly and then left.

She went downstairs and walked out of the building, and the driver showed up in front of her, “Mrs. Conrad, Mr. Conrad asked me to give you a ride.”

Stella corrected him patiently, “Please don’t call me Mrs. Conrad again. I have divorced with Clarence.”

But obviously the driver was not as sensible and sly as Nathan. He was lost in words. After a long while, he stammered, “O… Okay, Mrs. Conrad.”

On the way back, holding a paper bag in her arms, Stella leaned against the car window and heaved a long sigh.


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