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Mr President, We Meet Again! novel Chapter 17

Xiao Yu Zheng saw the look of aggressiveness on Wang Shen Ze’s enlarged face as he spoke, “It’s my wife and my business. You have no rights to interfere.”

Wang Shen Ze immediately stood up and tidied his suit while calling out, “Yi Fan! Send the guest out!”

Xiao Yu Zheng remained motionless on the ground while Wang Shen Ze then turned and walked away as though the situation in the room is none of his business.

Yi Fan then stepped in and ordered the body guards to drag Xiao Yu Zheng out of the room.

Even though the Xiao Family is not as rich as the Wang Family, they still held a prominent position in the country and are looked up to by many in the business world.

The only one who dared to treat Xiao Yu Zheng like this, could only be Wang Shen Ze.

Xiao Yu Zheng staggered to his feet as he walked towards the nearest washroom.

He unbuttoned his shirt and brushed his fingers lightly over the huge bruise on his abdomen, “Arghh...”

He could not help but groan in pain. Wang Shen Ze had really used a lot of strength to kick him just now!

Thankfully this injury is well hidden beneath his suit, otherwise he would not know how to explain to Lin Wen Xin and Xiao Yu Meng if they were to see it.

Xiao Yu Zheng looked at himself in the mirror as he tidied his hair and clothing.

“Wang Shen Ze... If you are not going to treat her right, I promise that I will take her away from you.” Xiao Yu Zheng silently vowed in his heart.

After he ensured that he still looks the same as before, he then headed towards the room where Lin Wen Xin is in.


The wedding banquet has officially begun and soon, the doors of the grand ballroom were flung open.

Lin Wen Xin held on to Lin Gao Hai’s arm as they both stepped on the red carpet together and made a grand entrance.

The crowd cheered and applauded as they walked towards Wang Shen Ze who is standing at the front, near the stage.

A romantic melody by the live band filled the entire ballroom and Lin Gao Hai soon passed Lin Wen Xin’s hand over to Wang Shen Ze.

The Wang Family are overjoyed as they witnessed this special moment.

It is a proud and happy moment for Lin Gao Hai as he beamed with joy and patted lightly on Wang Shen Ze’s shoulder.

Out of respect, Wang Shen Ze tilted his head down and gave a slight bow to Lin Gao Hai.

Lin Gao Hai then walked towards his seat as Wang Shen Ze led Lin Wen Xin up to the center of the stage where the solemniser is at.

Lin Wen Xin fell into a daze when she saw Wang Shen Ze looking at her with such a loving smile.

It has been so long since she saw this smile of his and it felt as though time had instantly been reversed to the days where they were dating in high school.

She remembered the memories and happiness that they shared and how he always had a habit of rubbing her head lightly and giving her this exact same smile.

He truly doted on her and it is a fact that cannot be denied.

Lin Wen Xin, who was feeling gloomy before, is now smiling from ear to ear. She is clearly infected by Wang Shen Ze’s dazzling and contagious smile.

After both of them had finished exchanging their vows, it is time for them to put on their wedding bands.

Wang Shen Ze took the smaller ring from the ring bearer and just before he placed the ring on Lin Wen Xin’s finger, he smiled as he brought his face forward and leaned close to her ear.

It is such a sweet scene to witness from the bottom of the stage and the crowd could not help but cheered on as they continued to look at them with admiration.

“Wow! Such a perfect couple!”


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