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Mr President, We Meet Again! novel Chapter 55

So this was how Wang Shen Ze was sent home by Lin Wen Xin. She even repeatedly told his driver to give her a text once they have reached the villa.

But before he left the office, he remembered to ask her, “Xin, are you coming over to our villa later? You have to at least share with me the results of today’s meeting right?”

Lin Wen Xin pondered for a few seconds. What Wang Shen Ze had said actually made sense. “Alright, I will see you there after the meeting.”

“Then... are you going to stay over for the rest of the week too? Otherwise, how will you know if I’m not working from home?”

That’s true... She better be there to ‘supervise’ him. “Sure, I’ll be staying at the villa then.”

The moment she responded, Wang Shen Ze gave her a kiss on the lips. “Wifey, I will see you at home later.” He smirked in triumph and left the room.

Wait... what?? Did she just fell for his trick?!

Argh! Such a cunning man! She should have known better to think about it first before replying him...

Meanwhile, Wang Shen Ze is grinning from ear to ear, as though he had just closed his biggest business deal!

Who said falling sick had no benefits??

And of course, as a businessman, he will definitely find ways to maximise the benefits!


Yi Fan led Lin Wen Xin into the meeting room, and the other interviewers from the HR department immediately stood up and greeted her with great respect.

Not only is she Wang Shen Ze’s wife, Lin Wen Xin is also an internationally renowned fashion designer. Who else would be more qualified than her to head this selection?

It is an unspoken consent that she had the final say today!

The interviewees have already gone through four rounds of selection and today is their final interview. Which also means that they had the best qualifications amongst the rest, to apply for this job.

It is such a difficult task for Lin Wen Xin as each of the applicants are so talented in their own ways! She really wanted all of them, but could only keep 10 out of 30.

Undoubtedly, every interviewee were fawning over Lin Wen Xin and could not stop showing their work pieces to her, hoping to hear some feedback.

Sensing their enthusiasm, she decided to set aside some time after their individual interview, to give advices on ways to improve their designed pieces or drawings.

It is already evening time and Lin Wen Xin is still not at the villa yet. After Wang Shen Ze was notified of the situation at the office, he was very displeased.

He had been at home all day, patiently waiting for her to finish the interviews. How dare they take up her extra time which were all meant for him?!

“Yi Fan, chase them away immediately!”

“President Wang... Please don’t do this to me...” Yi Fan thought to himself when he heard what Wang Shen Ze had told him over the phone.

Right now, Yi Fan is at a loss of what to do. Lin Wen Xin had clearly informed him to leave them alone. He really did not know who he should be listening to!

If he did not listen to Wang Shen Ze, he would get sacked. But if he offends Lin Wen Xin and she complains to Wang Shen Ze about it, he would have an even higher chance of getting fired!

Can someone please advise him on this?? He is currently in a very difficult position and is already close to tears!

Chapter 55 - You! Pervert! 1

Chapter 55 - You! Pervert! 2

Chapter 55 - You! Pervert! 3


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