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Mr President, We Meet Again! novel Chapter 31

“But I don’t remember walking back to my bedroom...” Lin Wen Xin scratched her head lightly as she struggled to recall what had happened last night.

She remembered that she was having a really sweet dream when her body suddenly floated up in the air.

The entire story took a drastic turn at this very moment! She dreamt that she had been kidnapped by a ferocious man!

Lin Wen Xin remembered shouting for him to let her go but he actually ignored her and instead, had held on to her tightly!

How dare he!!

But she knew that she had lesser strength and would never be able to win him so she had to play a different card.

She then mustered up her courage and began to scratch his face like a wild cat as an act of defence.

The next thing she knew, Lin Wen Xin had woken up in her bedroom this morning.

Was it actually not a dream at all? Why did it all felt so real to her??

Lin Wen Xin pondered for a while, before finally brushing the thought away.

As she headed upstairs to the dining room for breakfast, she realised that Wang Shen Ze is not around.

Judging by the time, he would usually be here by now.

Lin Wen Xin then turned to the servants nearby and asked curiously, “Do you all happen to know where President Wang had gone to?”

The servants simply gave her a judgemental look before ignoring her and continuing with their daily chores.

Everyone in the house knew that she is an unwanted wife that their boss had brought home.

Hence, nobody has ever served her, neither have they treated her with even a little bit of respect.

Her status in the house might even be the same of the servants.

But Lin Wen Xin did not mind their bad attitude at all as she continued to make her own breakfast as though nothing has happened.

“Is he even working on the weekends?... Hais it’s really not easy to be a boss...” She thought quietly to herself while feeling bad for Wang Shen Ze.

Just as Lin Wen Xin was about to take the first bite of her breakfast, Hong Xin Rui barged into the dining room with her loud footsteps.

The servants quickly dropped their work and rushed over to her side in a fearful manner.

Hong Xin Rui looked at Lin Wen Xin with disdain before ordering her, “You! Bring me my breakfast!”

The servants immediately retreated to the side and stood in two neat rows with their heads bowed.

“??” Lin Wen Xin was simply puzzled by her strange request.

There are so many servants who are ready to serve her, yet she just had to single her out to prepare the breakfast?

Hong Xin Rui is obviously just making things difficult for her!

Lin Wen Xin decided to ignore her and continued with her breakfast.

Even though she felt bad for taking away the ‘wife’ position from Hong Xin Rui, she is still only willing to be ordered around by Wang Shen Ze.

After all, their marriage was a mutual decision. She had to at least leave some dignity for herself in this house.

Hong Xin Rui saw that Lin Wen Xin had paid no attention to her command and immediately flew into a rage.


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