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Mr President, We Meet Again! novel Chapter 34

Yi Fan really could not bear to reject her and is currently in a very difficult position.

Having worked with Wang Shen Ze for so many years, he knew that the president would never go back on his words.

This is indeed a challenging request that is totally out of his control.

He looked at Lin Wen Xin’s earnest expression and could tell how much she really wanted to keep this room.

But yet at the same time, he really could not afford to make any mistakes and offend the young master.

Lin Wen Xin saw that Yi Fan is really struggling to make a decision. She then decided to take it up in her own hands.

“I will try to speak to President Wang about this today. If he disagrees, then I will have to trouble you to come back again tomorrow?”

It is not like Lin Wen Xin is in any position to make such a request to Wang Shen Ze.

But she really love this room and could give up everything for it!

It is not even an exaggeration to say that this is her dream fashion studio that she had wanted for years!

Such a rare opportunity that had come by, she simply could not just sit there and watch it fly away.

She definitely had to try her best and persuade Wang Shen Ze no matter what!

“Yes Madam”, Yi Fan bowed to her and then ordered everyone else to leave the room.

The first thing Lin Wen Xin had to do now is to find Wang Shen Ze to speak about this matter.

She went down to the kitchen to personally prepare a delicious fruit platter for him.

To put things nicely, she is going there to negotiate with him. But to say it bluntly, she is simply begging him to leave the room alone.

“Knock knock...”

There was no response.

She tried it again and this time, Lin Wen Xin placed her ear close to the door to hear if there are any movements in the room.

“Strange... is he not inside??” She thought to herself and hesitatingly opened the door.

This is actually her first time entering his bedroom. And since she was not invited here, Lin Wen Xin tiptoed around the room as she searched for him.

Wow! His bedroom is really grand and luxurious!

You could never lie that you have walked into the wrong room because just one step in, you would already sense the strong and cold aura that gives you the chill down your spine.

“Seems like he is not in the room... Then where else could he be at?”

Lin Wen Xin was about to exit the bedroom when she heard a “click” sound that came from the bathroom’s door.

She turned around and saw that Wang Shen Ze only had a white towel wrapped around his lower half of the body!

“Ahhhhh!!...” She screamed as she sped out of the room.

Wang Shen Ze was clearly shocked to see her here.

Why would she even be in my room??

And she just left with the door wide open?!! Couldn’t she at least close it first before running away??

Lin Wen Xin panted heavily as she reached the staircase which is at the end of the corridor.


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