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Mr President, We Meet Again! novel Chapter 7

“I just called you...” Before Lin Wen Xin could complete her sentence, Wang Shen Ze went forward and swiftly grabbed both sides of her outerwear.

He once again slammed her back against the wall in an aggressive manner.

Wang Shen Ze then released his right hand on Lin Wen Xin’s outerwear and grabbed her chin in the next second.

His bloodshot eyes stared straight into her eyes as he coldly spat out these words, “Don’t you dare to call me that again!”

“You? Heh...” Wang Shen Ze sneered as he looked away for a second before looking straight into her eyes once again.

He raised his eyebrows and looked down at her condescendingly.

Wang Shen Ze enunciated each word with a cold and mocking tone, “You are not qualified!”

He then threw his hands down and took out a handkerchief from the inside of his jacket, wiped his hands thoroughly and threw it away into the bin nearby.

Wang Shen Ze was completely disgusted that he has even had skin contact with Lin Wen Xin. It was as though she was extremely dirty in his eyes!

Lin Wen Xin held back her tears as she saw him walking further and further away from her.

She really did not want to cry!

But as soon as Wang Shen Ze’s figure disappeared from the corridor, her body immediately collapsed and slid down the wall.

Lin Wen Xin covered her face as she cried uncontrollably.

She hate to admit but Wang Shen Ze’s words had really reached in and stabbed the most delicate part of her heart.

It was so hurtful!

And crying is the only way that she could ease this pain.

After a short while, Lin Wen Xin remembered that Lin Gao Hai is still waiting for her in the dining room.

She did not want him to worry about her.

Lin Wen Xin quickly recollected herself as she went back to the bathroom to fix her make up.

After ensuring that she looks the same as before, she left the bathroom and walked towards the private room.

“Wen Xin, you are back! I was just about to ask Shen Ze to send you back home tonight!” Xu Jia Li gave a secretive wink to Lin Gao Hai to ask for his cooperation.

Lin Gao Hai understood her good intentions and immediately agreed to it, “Yes, Wen Xin. Shen Ze can send you back tonight. I still need to head to the office to get some documents.”

Lin Gao Hai clumsily found an excuse so Lin Wen Xin would not feel bad to leave him alone.

Granny Wang was overjoyed when she heard this arrangement, “That’s good that’s good! The two young people can spend more time together and build their relationship!”

Soon, everyone left the restaurant and waved goodbye, leaving only the two of them behind.

A black Rolls Royce car pulled over in front of them, and the driver respectfully returned the car keys to Wang Shen Ze.

Wang Shen Ze walked straight into the driver’s seat and closed the door.

Lin Wen Xin saw this scene and was hesitating if she should grab a taxi back on her own.

However, it was already very late and this restaurant is located in the remote area of the capital.

If she were to wait for a taxi, it would probably take the driver another one hour to get here from the city’s centre.

Furthermore, it is unsafe for a girl to be travelling back on her own at this late hour.

Never mind! I will just take his car and owe him this favour!

Lin Wen Xin hurriedly walked towards the front passenger seat that is beside Wang Shen Ze.

As soon as she got in, she heard his cold voice, “Did I say you can sit on this seat? Move to the back!”

Lin Wen Xin had no choice but to move to the back.

After all, the master of the car had the final say!

Lin Wen Xin then gave Wang Shen Ze her address since he was going to drive her home. But the only response she got was the pin drop silence in the car.

She was sure that he had heard her, but yet at the same time, she was unsure if he actually heard her!


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