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Mr. Right, Spoil Me novel Chapter 136


She squinted and decided not to say anymore. So be it.

We will all have our pasts to forget.

Who will remember each other after several years?

Emily listened to Sarah and was getting anxious, “So Sarah, I didn’t mean anything except to confide in you. Everyone needs to vent their sorrows once in a while. Today’s outpouring came a little fast. If you don’t like it, I won’t mention these in the future.”

Emily became worried and apologized with guilt.

“No worries, there are always exceptions, I’m like that too.”

She didn’t mind it, she really didn’t. “Sarah,” Emily held onto Sarah’s hand, “You must believe that Andrew is really good to you. Since he is willing to marry you, he will not be irresponsible towards you. If initially, it was because you threatened him and forced him to marry you, even if you put a knife to his throat, if he doesn’t agree, no one would be able to force him to. Regardless, he certainly has good intentions towards you.”

Sarah was very shocked by what she just said. Did Emily actually say these? How come she felt that she heard it wrongly?

At that moment, “You are… “ Sarah was about to say and Emily took out an air ticket and waved in front of her. “I feel that I should give myself a good vacation. Initially, I thought of going together but someone is always busy. I won’t hope anymore. So be it, I’ll leave at a moment’s notice.”

It’s a ticket from H city to Buenos Aires.

Sarah had a look and indeed it was for tomorrow.

“Yeah, you didn’t expect it, did you? I came here not only to give you the necklace but more importantly was to tell you all my decision. In the short term, you possibly won’t see me and don’t think of me too much.”

Emily kept the air ticket and smiled to herself.

Sarah felt that she couldn’t feel her limbs. She felt detached and an out of body experience.

Emily decided to leave H City on her own?

“Have you really decided? Where do you intend to go for vacation?”

“I’ll start with Argentina. I’ve always wanted to go. As to when I’ll be back, it’s tough to say.”

“It’s dangerous doing it alone. You really want to go alone?”

“It’s okay, I will protect myself properly.” She laughed like she had a good plan.

Sarah finished asking what she wanted and didn’t have any more to say.

“Let’s see if I’ll be back when you give birth to your baby. When that day comes, I’ll bring him a present.”

She felt Sarah’s abdomen with envy and tenderness.

At this moment, Emily was kind and gracious. This Sarah was certain and allowed her to touch her abdomen.

“Okay, it’s getting late, I need to pack my luggage, bye bye.”

Sarah was unable to reciprocate her actions and simply nodded and didn’t say a word. Things will be the way they are.

Emily left without hesitation.

In the dark and black night.

The two bodies were in tight embrace on the Imperial king-sized soft cotton bed.

The woman’s back was towards him wearing a thin and translucent nightgown, revealing clearly the shoulder blades, flowing hair, and breathing naturally. She emitted her bland and clean fragrance, which was undetected by her.

Behind her, the person was causing the ruffling noises. “Andrew, what are you doing?”

She couldn’t resist anymore and asked, she was dissatisfied with his actions.

The voice was dull, raspy and dry, “Do what? What else can I do?”


There was a rapid whirl and then it suddenly stopped.

The rough fingers were only separated by a layer of cloth. He gently held onto her back, “I’ll massage you.”


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