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Mr. Right, Spoil Me novel Chapter 140

Sarah mentally prepared herself before opening the door. But this was different than the previous times. She was astonished by this room.

The warm decoration was clean and uncluttered. A bed, a desk, a desktop computer, and nothing else.

It was ridiculously simple.

The blanket was very well folded and square like a brick.

Sarah scanned at the room, the passport wasn’t on the desk and Emily had told her that the passport was in the drawer of the bedside table.

But there were two bedside tables.

Sarah walked in and hesitated and on which side she would go.

She closed the door.

The bedsheet was very tidy and she couldn’t bear to crumple it and didn’t crawl across the bed and so she walked around it.

She searched the bedside table and there were small notebooks and simple pens.

Sarah knows that Emily was a University teacher and in languages. These books were very normal.

Since it’s said that the passport was in the drawer, she searched the entire drawer.

She didn’t intend to look at the name but written on it were some words. It was Emily’s name.

Sarah didn’t know why but her attention would be drawn to the more critical position that even she was not aware of.

Her eyes were looking at the few books and then was attracted by a word.


When she was searching, the diary became very prominent.

She never had the habit of looking at someone’s diary and don’t like to look at someone’s private things. After all, these were someone’s privacy.

Privacy meant that others should know not to intrude.

But, apart from this word, there was another sentence that made her open the diary.

“And his daily routine.”

She cannot help herself as the name was too alluring.

Her fingers began to flip through the pages and getting increasingly curious. “What a joke some people are. I heard a colleague say, with a marriage certificate, two persons will have to be together. They are bound with the certificate in life or death. I’m speechless, feelings depend on the ability of a person. Why are so many people so ignorant? How can a useless piece of paper secure the feelings of two persons…”

“I went out with him tonight and he brought me to drink my favorite French red wine, the ambiance was elegant, soft waltz, tonight I was totally conquered.”

“Hospitalized, it must be an old illness. But I didn’t expect that he spent the night by my side. I’m very fortunate. In this life, there is nothing that can be compared to him.”

“I know, I know, I know…”

Sarah looked at each page of the diary. Her eyes were increasingly hazy and she feels unbearably hot.

It was too much. So much that she can’t finish reading it.

“Emily, I know what you meant.”

She didn’t continue to look. She placed the things back into the drawer and she doesn’t think that she can find anything else there.

The other…

Sarah didn’t approach the side of the bed. She couldn’t bear to crumple the bedsheet.

She squatted and pulled out the top drawer. It was different than the drawer full of notebooks. This was rather empty.


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