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Mr. Right, Spoil Me novel Chapter 161

At midnight, in Wooh Club, the smell of the liquor in the air surrounded the woman, Anne Talbot.

“Sarah Cox... Where are you...”

“Woooo...Why don’t you come back yet...”

“I’m missing you so much. I won’t choose Ernest. I only want you back...Woooo...”

The woman lay on the sofa facing up, and was totally drunk.

The light cooperated with the alcohol together to get her face flushed, and her tone and voice were soft and attractive.

However, she provided her coquettish tone for her best friend, not her lover.

It was not the first time for Anne to stay in Wooh Club after Sarah had disappeared.

Ernest didn’t allow her to hang around. He promised to do a careful search on his own.

And for Anne, she was only allowed to drink down.

Eric Earl was lying by her, and was also drinking, but different from Anne who kept murmuring, he was silent, and the frivolous expressions that he always kept on his face also disappeared.

“Sarah Cox, you damned woman. Where are you? Why don’t you come back?”

No one knew who he was asking. He was just staring at the air in front of him, with dazed eyes and a bitter smile.

At this moment, when the two were all in a daze, the door was opened.

The man standing at the door glanced at the chaos inside. He walked in, but a bottle almost tripped him up. The air in the room was mixed up with depression.

He secretly glanced at the one who had been tailing after him and was in the darkness of the corner now.

The man pushed up her gold-rimmed glasses, helplessly, as he saw the two figures inside surrounded by depression.

Ernest walked to Anne, and sat by her. “How much have you drunk today? Huh?”

“Three bottles.”

The woman answered seriously, but she showed five fingers to the man.

The man was amused.

He grabbed her white and slender fingers, and pressed her fingers on his chest.

Then... one second, two, and three later, his cool lips touched her hot and red lips to rob all the sweetness in her mouth.

The invasion got fiercer, and almost choke the little woman. Anne’s face turned red, and she immediately woke up though she was drunk!

She couldn’t speak because of the fierce kiss, but still clearly saw the man’s face near her.

It was him.

The glasses had disturbed their close contact, so Ernest pushed it away and became more ruthless to invade...

“I’m gonna die! You’re bullying me again!”

Anne pushed away from him, and turned her head aside with grievance.

Her red eyes became redder, and felt discontent to be bullied.

Oh, after Sarah disappeared, this man even dared to bully her like this, even when she was upset...

The more the little woman thought, the more depressed she felt, and the more fiercely she missed Sarah.

However, actually, she thought too much.

Even if Sarah was there, Ernest would do such things at his wills, and without her permission.

“Do you like such a method to wake you up?”

His soft breath surrounded her neck, and her delicate neck got his voice hoarse.

“No! I don’t like that!”

Anne covered her ears with her hands. She didn’t want to hear anything, but just wanted to see Sarah!


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