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Mr. Right, Spoil Me novel Chapter 171

In an instant, everyone felt the pressure so strongly, which making them even hard to breathe.

They all got worried from what Matthew said.

Because the three words Matthew said meant the beginning of disaster.

Sarah’s heart also got hurt from him. She subconsciously pulled Andrew’s sleeve. How could Andrew not notice? He immediately lowered his eyes, "I am here."

Matthew walked over and stood in front of the door. If they wanted to go out, they must pass him.

All of them were imagining what might happen next in their minds. After a while, they all heard a husky voice suddenly,

"Take care of yourself, Sarah... I'm sorry."

Matthew had a pair of feminine-looking eyes, which were filled with depression now.

Matthew had done so many evil things, even including forcing a woman getting abortion. Such a ruthless man would apologize to Sarah!

Sarah’s body was frozen in Mo Andrew’s arms, but she didn't look up. Instead, she whispered to Andrew, "Take me out."


Andrew knocked Matthew away, which made Matthew staggering a few steps.

Matthew wanted to chase them back, he really wanted to... Just like that summer, the girl once said that she would stay with him forever. But in the end she got in a black car and never came back.

The more he wanted her, the more he didn’t want to lose her.

What could he do? Matthew felt Sarah was the one controlling his heart. Her leaving was like someone cut his chest and took his heart away.

He watched them leaving in front of him.

His eyes were filled with coldness, terribly freezing.

At City H.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the study of Bask's villa was extremely serious.

When Sarah finally came back, Andrew's grandfather was so happy that she was back safe and sound. But after learning the truth, he was furious.


It was already the fifteenth thing Andrew's grandfather threw on the ground. He was full of anger, smashing everything on the ground. Ink, paper, everything he could touch were all torn apart.

Andrew looked at him calmly.

"Speak! How come the baby is gone?"

Andrew’s grandfather shouted angrily towards Andrew.

"I've already said it, it's not her fault." Andrew had already repeated it twenty-fourth times, tirelessly.

"I told her not to go out. Look what happened to her now!"

Andrew’s grandfather got so angry every time he was thinking that the baby was gone. His face was so red, which obviously showed his feeling towards the "abortion" Sarah got.

"About the baby, I made it clear, I don’t care."

Andrew said calmly. Compared with the fierce look of his grandfather, he was unexpectedly calm.

"I care! That's my great-grandson! Now he is gone?"

Andrew’s grandfather’s eyes were filled with coldness. He poked Andrew with his crutch viciously, "Andrew, you have never done anything to disappoint me since you were a kid. If you still protect that woman, you will see what I will do!"

Andrew’s grandfather’s body was trembling. He threw away the crutches, and then found a big stick from somewhere. He yelled "Kneel down!"

Apparently, he was about to teach Andrew the family rules.


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