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Mr Wood The Legend novel Chapter 94

Speaking of his father's illness, Titus felt a little sad. Every time he saw his father trembling in bed with a pale face, he couldn't help at all. He felt as if his heart was cut by a knife.

In the past few years, he had also found a lot of doctors, but they all gave him some vague treatment methods which could only temporarily ease the symptoms but could not cure him.

"Mr. Chapman, do you mean that Ryan's body shakes abnormally?" Yank asked curiously.

Titus was stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly. "Mr. Wood, you're too kind. Just call me Titus. There are no specific rules in my father's symptoms, sometimes it takes a long time, sometimes a short time, but every time it's painful torture."

Yank thought of something, but he was not completely sure. He still needed to see Ryan make a judgment.

About 15 minutes later, the car finally arrived at the Chapman's house. As soon as they got out of the car, they saw a well-dressed woman leading a young man holding a medicine chest to the door.

Seeing this, Yank frowned slightly and looked back at Titus, waiting for a reasonable explanation.

However, when Titus saw this woman, he was a little stunned. It was obvious that they knew each other, but he was shocked by the woman's sudden appearance.

Walking into the door, Lily, who had been waiting on the sofa for a long time, stood up with joy. When she saw the woman, she was stunned instantly, and then looked angry.

The woman shouted enthusiastically, "Lily, didn't you say hello to mom when she came back?"

Lily snorted and said bluntly, "My mother died abroad seven or eight years ago. In my memory, my father is the only one in this family."

"What are you talking about? Am I not standing in front of you alive?" The woman smiled awkwardly and pretended that nothing had happened.

Then, she looked at Titus, who was gloomy, and said, "Titus, you just came back. I brought back a doctor from Peace House. I promise he could cure our father."

Only now did Yank realize that this woman seemed to be Lily's mother, but it seemed that their relationship was not very good.

"What do you mean now? It was you who chose to divorce and go abroad to find your happiness. I didn't hesitate at all.

Besides, I also gave you a sum of money. How are you so shameless to appear in front of me and my daughter?" Titus said with a gloomy face.

The woman's name was Edie Lane, Titus’ ex-wife. She was very dissatisfied with Titus going through all the troubles and spent so much money to treat an old man who was about to die. Coincidentally, she encountered some temptation from the outside world, when their feelings reached the freezing point.

Seven years ago, the two agreed to divorce. Titus gave Edie a large sum of money, and Edie went to America with her lover without hesitation, which was great harm to Lily.

Edie had long gotten used to the life of a rich woman. She squandered wantonly and lived a lavish lifestyle. In addition, her lover conned her out of millions of dollars, which led to the end of her assets. When she realized the seriousness of the problem, she put her mind on remarriage, wanting to be Mrs. Chapman again.

She came back with the remaining money and called a famous doctor from Peace House, which was famous all over the country to treat Ryan. As long as he succeeded, Titus would choose to forgive her.


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