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Mr Wood The Legend novel Chapter 95

"Lily, why are you so excited? I'm just giving you a suggestion out of kindness. Since you value this young man so much, I'll let him stay. But the doctor of Peace House is here. We can't let him go for nothing, can we?" Edie forced a smile and spoke.

She knew very well that as long as there was a little chance to cure Ryan, Titus would never miss it.

Miguel glanced at Yank disdainfully and said with great confidence, "Mr. Chapman, don't worry. I know very well about Mr. Chapman's condition. I know how to cure him, and it will be in vain for other unrelated people to stay."

Yank admired him. He didn't expect Miguel to be even more arrogant than himself.

"Mr. Chapman, since this miracle-working doctor of Peace House has a way to cure Mr. Chapman, I think what he said is true. Life is of greater value than everything. It doesn't matter who saved him. Let him see first!" Yank said humbly.

Then Yank condescended to ask for advice with a smile, "Doctor House, please give me a chance to learn. I promise I won't disturb you."

Miguel was very satisfied with being respected by Yank, in addition, Yank was called by Titus, it was inappropriate for him to drive Yank away, so he nodded generously and agreed.

In fact, Titus was hesitant. Peace House was indeed famous. He also thought to call Keefe to see his father, but Keefe was semi-retired now and only treat his friends and relatives. Almost not treat outsiders, even if the rich men.

He was worried that he would make Yank unhappy if he agreed, but he didn't expect that Yank was so generous and didn't get angry at all. Instead, he allowed Miguel to see his father, which made him feel ashamed.

Since Yank said so, Titus stopped saying anything and took the lead to go to Mr. Chapman's room.

On the way there, Lily deliberately waited for Yank to walk side by side. Seeing this situation, Yank thought of the conversation in the car and frowned.

"I'm sorry. My mother is such a person. Don't mind." Lily suddenly said.

Yank was stunned and said with a smile, "Why did you apologize? It's not your fault. Besides, I'm not that fragile as you think.


However, Yank finally understood why Lily looked like a tough woman before. She had no mother to accompany her when she was a child and could only rely on her father for survival. Naturally, she was more like Titus.

But it was more or less a sad story.

As soon as he arrived at the room, Yank smelled the smell of traditional medicine before he entered the room. It could be imagined how many traditional medicine the patient had eaten in the room. After Titus opened the door, an old man with a thin and pale face appeared in his sight.

Mr. Chapman looked very weak with dry and shriveled skin which made him look like a dying mummy.

He was lying on the bed, too weak to move. If it weren't for his beard that was slowly blowing with his breath, he would have looked like a dead man at first glance.

Yank couldn't help sighing with emotion. Fortunately, Titus was a filial son and the Chapmans were rich. If he was from an ordinary family, he would have been left alone on the street, waiting to die.

Chapter 95 Father's Whereabouts 1


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