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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 121

Amelia felt the situation was serious after she got Peter's call. Without any hesitation, she immediate brought people with her.

In fact, the police had already been notified by someone from the crowd. However, the police didn't show up at once due to the tension.

But Amelia did not hesitate to come since she knew Peter was involved.

"Ah! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"


Peter saw Tim shoot Angus on his head the moment he hung up the phone.

Blood and brain exploded out of his head. It was gruesome.

By now, the people brought by Angus had all been killed.

Their heads were all blasted, and there was blood all over the floor.

They looked pitiful.

Tim walked to Peter's Hummer with a hammer in his hand. His face looked extremely cruel.

After killing so many people, he didn't mind killing one more. He would not allow anyone to record a piece of evidence.

With the technology available in the area, if Peter recorded the previous scene, he would become a wanted criminal.

"Don't go near me! I am with Diego's group. If you kill me, Diego will not let you go!" Peter seemed to be in a state of panic while yelling at Tim. He started the car right away and tried to run over Tim.

"Diego? Ha! Ha! I have killed so many people. Do you think I would care about killing one more?" Murderous, Tim grinned and quickly walked up to Peter.

Like a tiger, he was ready to pounce on his victim.

Peter did not hesitate to start his Hummer and drove towards Tim.

But Tim reacted really fast. He was able to avoid the Hummer from hitting him.

Then he used the hammer to smash the Hummer's front tire.


With the intense power, the Hummer's tire blasted instantly. The car swayed losing its balance.

Dread filled Peter's eyes. He hurriedly kicked the door open and jumped out of the car.

Now, the Hummer had rolled over and had made several turns. Hitting a few other cars, it was now totally ruined.

Peter was shocked and was sweating profusely. Good thing he was quick to respond, otherwise, he would have been killed.

He had expected Tim to be strong, but he did not expect he would be this powerful.

It was a Hummer's tire. He was so strong that he broke it with one blow.

"Not bad. You must be Peter?" Tim was a bit surprised. He did not expect Peter could get out of the Hummer so quickly.

"I was going to warn you to stay away from my business. But now I need to kill you. Don't blame me if you go straight to hell,"

Tim said with a sneer, and with the hammer in his hand, he strode towards Peter.

He wanted to kill him right away. He would have to escape once the police arrived.

"Shit, are you insane?" Peter yelled with an angry face. "My Hummer! You destroyed my Hummer! You have to pay for my Hummer!

If you don't pay me a million dollars, I will not let you leave!"

Peter was delirious and rushed towards Tim instead of running away.

His heart was pounding. If Bella found out the Hummer was destroyed, he would be dead.

Tim was stunned. Even his people were shocked by Peter.

They did not expect Peter would demand payment now, instead of just running away.

Was he an idiot?

Within minutes, Peter was fighting with Tim.


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