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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 90

"Hold on. Let me check for you," said the beautiful girl, taking out her phone and pressing one button after another in full concentration.

Peter had to admit that the girl did have her resources. In less than five minutes, she was able to give Peter Angus' whereabouts.

Peter was about to leave when the girl asked,"Hey wait, can I join you?"

"What?" Peter asked in surprise. "Why? This is a nightclub. What are you gonna do there? Pole dance?"

'You're the stripper, asshole!'

she thought. Peter surely was annoying but she had to focus on the goal. "You know what, it's late and I'm sure you'll have a hard time finding a cab. Why don't you let me give you a ride? It'll help you get there faster."

"Hmm, you're right." Peter nodded as she made sense. "I didn't expect you to be so smart. Apparently, what they say is true."

"What do you mean?" she asked, flattered.

"That women with large boobs are less intelligent," Peter replied.

The girl looked at him angrily, pouting her lips subconsciously.

'Women with large boobs are less intelligent? So smart women have small boobs? Is he implying that I have small boobs?

What an asshole! They're not small at all!'

As Peter fastened his seatbelt in her Porsche, he realized he hadn't asked her for her name.

When he finally did, the girl wanted to punch him. 'Isn't it a little late to ask for my name? You've already done so much!' she thought.

Still, she answered,"My name is Minnie Jiang."


Peter burst into laughter. "Minnie Jiang? Cute name, it suits you since you're as cute as Minnie Mouse!"

Minnie Jiang rolled her eyes. "Not Minnie Mouse! I was named after Minnie Riperton!"

"Is there a difference?" Peter replied.

Minnie Jiang sat in silence as she went into tears. People always laughed when they heard her name and it hurt her every time.

Charming Moon Club

was a very famous nightclub in Golden City.

It was famous not just because of its premium price or stunning interiors.

It was known for its superior security. Here, nobody dared provoke fights or play dirty tricks. You didn't have to do anything that you didn't want to do.

Because of its good security, nearly half of the single office ladies and college girls in the city went there to have fun and relax.

9 o'clock in the evening was the golden time in the nightclub. Beautiful girls flocked in to either unwind or seek thrills and romance.

Angus looked over the busy floor from the best VIP room, grinning with pride at his establishment.

With two stunning hostesses in each arm, he glanced around to look for tonight's prey.

Although the two women with him were gorgeous, he easily got tired of them and loved the thrill of finding a new flavor to enjoy every time.

His eyes lit up when he caught sight of something by the front door.

A Porsche came in sight and stopped at the front door smoothly, leaving a trail of dust behind it.

The door opened, and out came this extremely beautiful girl.

'Whoa. That girl is incredibly beautiful. Looks like I found my next prey, ' Angus thought, locking in his target.

One look and he could already tell that this girl could be his best catch yet. She didn't only look stunning, but also looked like a virgin.

He couldn't miss the opportunity of having this perfect girl.

Suddenly, another man came out of the car as well.

The guy who drove the car was about 25. They didn't seem to be a couple though, which relieved him to some extent.


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