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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 38

"Oh my god!"

Peter exclaimed, touching the woman in panic.

'Wow, that feels great, ' he thought.

However, after he saw who the woman was, his face changed.

'What the fuck? Why is she here?' he thought.

Realizing that it was Peter, The woman likewise looked very embarrassed and started to run away.

"Hey, you! Let go of my woman!" a man shouted from across the room.

SLAP! The man slapped the woman's face and cursed her in rage, "You slut! Where do you think you're going? Your boyfriend sent you here as a gift for me. You have no right to run away! You know I have the money and power to do with you as I please so don't make me angry. You don't want me angry, you understand?"

He said, slapping the woman so hard that she fell to the ground.

Peter looked at the man.

He wore expensive clothes and his sleek hair was as shiny as his shoes. He looked at the woman with arrogance and contempt.

Beck, who was standing behind the man, had his head down and looked terrified.

The girl was Phoebe, Beck's girlfriend!

She knelt on the ground and pleaded, "Frank, please. Please let me go. I'm not that kind of girl."

"You? Are you fucking kidding me?" Frank laughed and slapped her again. "Look at your dress! You look like a slut! Do you think I'm dumb? You'd better come with me or I'll sell you to a brothel."

Phoebe trembled as she looked back at her boyfriend. "Honey, we're engaged. Don't let him do this to me. Please help me!"

She said desperately. "Frank—" Beck tried to say.

"Shut up! Fuck off!" Frank screamed as he kicked his stomach. Beck fell to the ground in pain.

Frank lifted his leg and pressed his shoe on Beck's face. "You said she was all mine. Don't you remember? A deal is a deal. Break your word and I swear you won't go far in this city."

"No, no, Frank, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry!" Beck said immediately. "You can have her for as long as you like. Take her, go ahead! She has nothing to do with me. Please forgive me, Frank!"

"How can you do this to me?" Phoebe cried in despair.

"Good dog." Frank laughed with satisfaction. "Look at your man! What a loser!" he told Phoebe. "You're better off with me, sweetheart. I won't marry you but I won't sell you off like this loser."

"Come, I'll give you a great life if you make me happy, " Frank said, kicking Beck before walking towards Phoebe.

Phoebe looked at Peter with clear desperation. "Please help me. I don't want to go with him. Please…"

She knew Peter was only a security guard who would most likely be powerless in her situation, but she felt like she had no choice anymore.

Peter was her last hope, even though she knew that it was probably not a good idea for anyone to offend Frank. Peter, of all people, wouldn't risk his life for her, especially after how she treated him in the parking lot.

To her surprise, Peter turned at Frank.

"Stop right there, " he said as he grasped his arm.

Phoebe and Beck were stunned.

'Does this security guard know what he's doing? How could he stand up to a guy like Frank?'

Just as surprised as everyone in the room, Frank turned. "Do I know you? You'd better stay out of this, mate, "


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