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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 39

"Boyfriend? Are you kidding? He's just a fucking security guard!" Frank yelled. 'What the fuck? I can't believe this! This security guard bagged Bella Song? That's so unfair!'

Frank felt furious and jealous, as he was also interested in dating Bella!

Bella, however, lost her temper the moment she heard Frank looked down on Peter, and gave him a stinging slap.

"How dare you! Who do you think you are? So what if he's a security guard? I love him and that's none of your business! Besides, he's more of a man than you, you jerk!"

People were stunned with what Bella said. 'What a strong woman!'

Frank glared at her. "Fine! Alfred is going to hear about this!"

SLAP! Bella hit him squarely on the face again.

"Do not say that name in front of me!" she boomed.

Just the sound of his name made her so angry. Did Frank think that she was afraid of him? He couldn't underestimate her like that!

"You!" Frank was enraged. 'This woman can't humiliate me in front of all these people!'

"Do what you want and get out of my sight before I change my mind!" Bella said coldly.

Frank looked at Bella, then at Peter, and stormed off.

He'd surely be a laughing stock if he allowed himself to be pushed around by Bella in front of everyone, longer. He hated Bella and Peter so much and was determined to get his revenge.

The hall was silent.

Bella had always had an elusive reputation, but they didn't know she was so tough.

Beck was also stunned by what happened.

'What the fuck. How did this security guard land someone like Bella?' As with the other men in the room, he was filled with envy and confusion.

Phoebe was teary-eyed, overwhelmed with gratitude for what Peter did.

"Phoebe, let's go, " Beck said, grabbing her and leading her to the exit. Slap!

"Don't touch me!" Phoebe said hatefully. "I never want anything to do with you and I never want to see you again! We're done!"

"Peter, " she said as she walked over to him. "Thank you so much for what you did."

"No need to thank me, " Peter replied, shaking her hand. "I'm just doing my job. I'm a security guard, remember?"

"I'm sorry for what I said before. I was a snob and I was wrong about you, " Phoebe said, her face turning scarlet.

"No problem. Apology accepted. But I do hope that you find a better man, next time, " said Peter.

"Thank you, thank you so much, " Phoebe said, bowing and then turning away to leave.

Peter and Bella followed soon after.

"What you did was really nice, Peter. If I hadn't come, I'm pretty sure she would have fallen in love with you already. Are you sad?"

Bella teased as she walked close to Peter, playfully pinching his waist.

"What makes you say that? I'm not that kind of guy, okay. I didn't want to sleep with her!" he replied. Her pinch was painful! "Oh, come on. I mean it, I don't like her! You're way more beautiful than she is!"

"Really, now? Well, I saw you touch her body a while ago, " she said, pinching harder.

'What? She saw that?'

Peter felt a jolt of panic. Keeping his composure, he replied calmly, "That's not true. I only held her so she wouldn't fall to the ground."

"Okay, fine. I forgive you. But you'd better not touch another woman again, or I'll chop your balls off."


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