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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 41

Felix's face felt hot as if he'd been slapped severely.

Not only did he fail to do what was asked of him, he also made such a big fool of himself in front of the Golden City's elites.

He would have felt better losing to him if Peter had a prominent status; instead, he was a useless security guard who happened to have an influential girlfriend. Losing to him in a fight was extremely embarrassing.

"You're a tough guy, aren't you? Boys! Get him!" Felix was so angry that he didn't even bother containing it. With no restraint, he waved and ordered his men to take Peter on.

In an attempt to save face in the eyes of Golden City's celebrities, he was determined to defeat Peter no matter what.

Following Felix's orders, four men in suits jumped out of the crowd and rushed towards Peter.

They all looked like experienced fighters. Their reflexes were fast and their forms were on point even in a messy skirmish — a result that only extensive training could bring.

"Who dares to hurt my brother?" Just as they were about to charge and as Peter prepared to fight, a loud voice echoed through the hall

Along with a loud slam and a rush of people coming in.

"Hey! I'm standing right here!" the man said kicking over a table. "I want to see who dares to touch my brother!" The man strode towards them, standing tall and proud. He had an air of superiority that was hard not to notice.

Everyone looked at him puzzled.

Despite his authoritative demeanor, no one knew who he was. It was only by the way that he spoke did they concur that he must be someone of influence.

Peter felt very curious at his unexpected appearance.

Felix looked at him intently. Clearly, he knew who the man was, and he was not pleased.

Frank was looking forward to seeing Peter down and defeated. He was eager to get his revenge through his four bodyguards. What happened next was truly unexpected.

"Who are you? How dare you talk to Felix like that! Do you want to die?" he shouted at the man. 'Who does this stranger think he is?' he thought to himself.

He was clearly a nobody since no one in this party seemed to know him. Frank knew every influential person in the Golden City, including the most elusive ones. Even if not everyone knew him, he made sure that he was familiar with every person who mattered. He was sure that he should be able to recognize him if he were someone of importance.

When the young man saw Frank, he rushed over and kicked him.

Frank didn't see it coming. What kind of lunatic would do that at the blink of an eye? Before he could react, he had his face to the ground. The young man stepped on his face and looked at him with disdain.

"You don't get to talk to me like that, Frank. Who do you think you are?"

Frank turned red and tried to get up, but the man's foot pressed down on him harder. He felt even more embarrassed when he saw that the man knew who he was.

"Brandon Chu, that's enough." Felix said through gritted teeth. He was very angry.

"Too much?" Brandon Chu grinned and stepped forward. "Felix Yang, you're about to beat my brother up. Do you expect me to just stand and watch?"

"This guy is your brother?" Felix couldn't believe it. "He's your brother? All I knew was that he's a security guard in Silvermand Group, and that he's with Bella Song. How was I supposed to know that a useless man like him is your brother?"

Felix was very angry. He and Brandon Chu had had friction for the longest time. He felt sure that Brandon Chu only wanted to embarrass him in public.

He wanted to punch him so badly for intruding in his affairs in front of all these people, but he knew it would be a bad idea. The people didn't know who Brandon Chu was, but he did.

"He's a security guard? And he's with Bella Song? And he's… useless?" Brandon Chu paused and laughed out loud. Turning to Peter, he said, "Brother, you are unbelievable! I can't believe you're with Bella Song! I've heard about her, she's famous in the Golden City. You lucky bastard, I'm proud of you!"

Before Peter could respond, he turned back at Felix.

"I saw my brother today and I'm in a good mood. I don't feel like beating you up now. Get out of my sight and bring him with you, before I change my mind. The next time I hear about you wanting to hurt my brother, I'll be sure to get to you first."


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