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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 40

"Are you crazy?" Peter screamed as he charged towards the girl like a cheetah.

Moving was difficult after all the food he ate, but the adrenaline of having a gun pointed to his head got the better of him.

Surprised by his sudden move, the girl attempted to pull the trigger, But Peter was too fast. Before she could do anything, he used his hand to slash the weapon out of her by hitting her wrist.


Before she knew it, the gun fell to the ground. On reflex, she backed up quickly and lifted her knee, throwing Peter a kick!

"You're insane!" Peter said angrily as he deflected the woman's kick and counterattacked with a strong shove.

Unable to avoid it, she fell to the sofa, infuriated.

As she was about to push herself up, she heard a slam and a burning pain swept through her body.

In a flash, Peter disappeared.

"Asshole!" she cursed, and then she saw a bright flash of light.

"Woah! Who is that guy beating up that beautiful woman?"

"I can't believe he hit the director! My goodness!"

"This world is crazy!"

Onlookers were dumbfounded with what they saw.

Indifferent to their reactions, Peter slapped the woman and immediately made his escape.

He'd be dead if he stayed longer.

He wasn't a fool. That was no ordinary woman. She fought too well and it was clear that she was known to the people at the party.

He didn't want any more trouble, and he didn't want to get Bella into trouble simply by being associated with him.

Before he reached the exit, a group of young men arrived, catching the attention of the people at the party.

The young men had an air of arrogance. Clearly, they were of strong influence and possibly from a prominent background.

The guy at the center was about 1.8 meters tall. He wore a white sleek suit and was extremely handsome. The women swooned.

"Oh my, he's so hot!"

"Is that Felix Yang?"

"It's him! The legendary Felix Yang. Oh, he's so dreamy!"

Admirers started to scream and those who knew who he was looked at him with astonishment. It seemed that it wasn't usual for him to grace such events with his presence.

Peter inspected Felix Yang's companions and felt a rush of panic when he realized that Frank was one of them. Perhaps Felix Yang was here to take revenge for his friend's injuries.

Frank knew who Bella was but he did not hesitate to fight Peter. Felix Yang could be worse because unlike Frank, he wasn't afraid of Bella.

"That's him!" Even before Peter thought of hiding, Frank, with his swollen face, jumped out and pointed at Peter.

In an instant, Felix Yang and all the people in the crowd had their eyes on Peter.

The people who witnessed the skirmish that night felt worried about what would happen next.

In their eyes, the toad who ate swan meat might be kicked out of the bucket this time. Once Felix Yang was involved, even Bella couldn't protect Peter.

"You beat up Frank?" Felix Yang asked in a chilly voice as he walked up to Peter.

"Go away. I don't want to fight, I have better things to do, " Peter said grudgingly and intended to leave. He had no intention to fight with these guys.


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