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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 53

"Elaine, if you need my help — physically or mentally, just tell me. I'll surely do everything I can to help you. You won't even need to thank me. I love helping others, "

Peter assured her as he snuck into her office. He couldn't help but admire Elaine's beautiful body.

The office was a little stuffy. She wore a slim-fitting shirt with the top buttons unfastened, her coat hung on a rack beside her table.

The skirt she wore seemed a little bit too tight for her ample buttocks. On her long legs, she wore silk socks and high heels.

Elaine turned red at Peter's words.

"You're such a jerk, " she retorted shyly.

"Woah, how did you get to know my nickname?" Peter replied in jest.

"Bastard!" she shouted.

"That's the name of my cousin, " Peter kept joking.

"Go die, " Elaine replied, losing her patience.

Immediately wanting to take it back, she bowed her head in embarrassment. "I need my stuff back."

Her words were hardly audible.

Elaine couldn't explain how she felt when she saw Peter. The idea that Peter held her underwear still bothered her a lot.

She was actually trying to figure out a way to ask for it back when Peter suddenly appeared.

Feigning ignorance, Peter asked, "What are you talking about?"

After everything they've been through — helping her get rid of Mac and touching her body when he caught her from an accidental fall, Peter felt comfortable showing Elaine his true colors.

Elaine stamped her foot in frustration, not knowing whether Peter was telling the truth or still goofing around. "Give the thing back to me!"

"Oh, dear!" Peter shouted out, "Why did you stamp your foot so heavily while you're wearing such high heels! You worry me! Will you pay for the tiles if you accidentally break them because of that?"

Elaine was starting to feel warm with the concern he showed but quickly turned angry when she realized that Peter was still goofing around. "You're such a jerk! Give me back the thing! ASAP!"

"What?" Peter asked pretending to be confused. It was an unusual sight for him to see this gentle woman raise her voice. "What did you lend me? I'm sorry, I can't seem to remember."

'Stupid Peter pretending not to know! He's just waiting for me to say it out loud in front of him!'

She felt so frustrated and desperate to convey her message.

What she did next was a proof that even the gentlest person can transform, given the right triggers.

In her anger and embarrassment, she took off one of her heels and threw it at Peter.

"Oh Elaine, you were always so gentle! Don't be violent! You're the goddess of Silverland Group — always so calm and composed. How could you do that? Are you trying to abuse me?"

Peter caught her shoe with one hand, while the other reached into his pocket, where he took out

A female undergarment wrapped in a plastic bag!

"I was planning to keep this as a souvenir. But now I guess my plan has to change.

Here you go, Elaine. I washed it for you, so you can wear it whenever you want, "

He said as he gently put it and the shoe on the table.

"I need to go back to work now. Take it easy. I'll close the door as soon as I leave so that no one will see you changing your underwear, "

Peter finished and dashed away.

Elaine was fuming.


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