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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 54

Bella gazed at Peter, silent for a long time.

She had to admit that this guy really had a glib tongue.

He could make something illogical sound like it made sense, so much as if he even deserved credit for it.

A man with his talent was truly a rare find!

Bella wasn't easily swayed, though. She quickly put the topic aside knowing that this was the best way to maneuver the conversation. "Don't worry about the bonus. Do well in what I am about to ask of you and everything is negotiable."

Realizing that Bella was up to something, Peter quickly retracted his request. "No, never mind, forget it. I don't want to get into any more trouble."

As she guessed, he refused. Instead of being disappointed, she proceeded to discuss a grievance.

"The past two days, I'm afraid that Shelly and Lisa have not been performing well in the Sales Department. I would very much like to transfer them, but unfortunately, all other positions are already occupied. I no longer have anywhere to assign them.

As for Elaine, there also seems to be some problems with her lately. I'm having doubts if she's still qualified to be a Human Resource Manager."

"Hold it!" Peter interrupted, "Miss Song, are you threatening me? Why are you meddling with the lives of other innocent employees to get back at me? Isn't that unfair?"

"No, it's not." Bella looked at him innocently. "I really do think that they are underperforming."

"Stop it!" Peter said desperately. "Fine, I'll do it! Are you happy now?"

"Well, okay if you say so. Once you get this done, we'll talk about the three of them later." Bella smiled, sly as a fox.

"What do you want me to do?" Peter asked crossly.

"Well, our company is recently negotiated for a large order worth twenty million dollars. It was all settled! We were going to sign the contract tonight, but we suddenly received a call that the cooperating party is canceling their order without giving a reason at all."

"I suspect that Rowen Group is behind this, and they are threatening our business partner, as it's an open secret that the Rowen Group uses their connections with gangs for foul play."

"We're not really afraid of the Rowen Group, but the last thing I want is to be left in the dark while someone sabotages our company. Peter, the business is really important to me. I want you to do whatever you can to make sure this contract is signed."

Bella frowned as she spoke, looking distressed.

"Miss Song, are you kidding me?" Peter quickly protested, jumping to his feet. "I am an ordinary man, I don't have any business background. How do you expect me to dictate terms to a huge company with underground connections?"

"I'm just a woman, Peter. I don't know what to do. Can you help me, please?"

Bella said as she looked at Peter with her big eyes, with a voice so sweet that it was impossible to refuse.

Moved with sympathy, he finally decided to help her out.

"Fine. Give me the information and I'll see what I can do. But if I get it done, be sure to give me a bonus."

"That's so kind of you!" Bella jumped happily, and dashed to Peter's side, stood on her tiptoe and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "This is a small bonus for you in advance. If you work it out, you'll not only get a big bonus, but also... all of me, if you want."

She shook Peter's arms sheepishly like a little girl.

The affair really upset her. As she said, she wasn't afraid of the Rowan Group. Rather, she was afraid of being caught flat-footed while someone was plotting against them.

No matter how powerful and dominant she seemed to the employees of Silverland Group, she really was just a woman at heart.


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