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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 85

It was three o'clock in the afternoon.

About 86 security guards came to the meeting. They seemed impatient and annoyed. And 14 security guards refused to attend the meeting.

10 of them were on a rest day and did not come to work. 4 of them replied that they were too busy to attend the meeting.

The 86 security guards gathered in the corner and talked to each other in threes and fours. Obviously, they were not interested in what Peter was saying.

"Okay, time is up. Lisa, close the door and do not let others in. Guys, I need your attention!"

Peter looked at his watch. It was exactly three o'clock.

Lisa following his order closed the door and stood in the doorway.

However, the security guards were not as prompt to follow his order. They stood up slowly and dragged their bodies to form a line.

What should have taken them one minute took them ten minutes just to form a simple line.

Peter just looked at them calmly. He said nothing, trying not to lose his patience.

"Hello, who the damn are you? Why did you ask for the meeting?"

"Boss, we are busy. We don't have the time for this!" "This is a waste of time!"

Not done complaining, the guards were not shy in showing their impatience. "Go ahead, it's my rest day! Don't waste my time!" could be heard all over the place.

They didn't show any respect to Peter. Everyone was complaining and obviously felt disgusted that they had to be called in for the meeting.

"Are you done?" Peter said calmly and nobody could tell he was trying to control his anger.

"What's taking you so long? You're wasting our time!"

"Yeah, we don't have to be here even if you are the boss! Bob didn't bother with meetings like this before!"

Several security guards moved away from the line and tried to challenge Peter.

Peter just looked at them and smiled. "You are not happy with me, right? Okay so now is your chance. Those who refuse to obey my orders, raise your hand."

Quickly, at least 50 security guards raised their hands.

When Peter asked them to form a line, they grudgingly obeyed and seemed to be losing their patience with Peter. But what Peter said caught their attention. They raised their hands quickly and listened to what Peter had to say.

In their view, Peter was nothing to them! Therefore, they thought Peter could do nothing to them. That was why they dared raise their hands.

"Well, only 50 people raised their hands. Anyone else?" Peter just quickly looked at them and then paid his attention to the rest security guards who didn't raise their hands.

They looked at each other with apprehension, not sure if they were doing the right thing or not. Finally, they decided not to raise their hands. They all knew what Peter was capable of fighting. They didn't like him, but they were smart enough not to challenge him this way.

"Well, there's no one else. So you guys refuse to obey my rules. Good, it's nice to know we understood each other." Counting the number of men who raised their hands, Peter nodded with satisfaction. "I was expecting that at least 85 of you would raise your hands, but it turns out there are only 50."

"Just 50? Seriously?"

"You're not happy with 50? That's a large number!"

"Let me ask you again. Do you really refuse to obey my orders?" Peter looked the 50 guys and said calmly.

"Yes! We refuse to take any orders from you!" They proudly replied with a high voice.

"Good! Very good!" Peter took out a pile of Termination Agreement of Contract and Severance Agreement and threw them on the table. He looked at them with a big smile. "Sign the paper!"

"What?" "Severance Agreement?" They were confused for a moment and then became enraged after they realized what just hit them.

"Are you serious? We have 50 guys here! If we quit, who will protect the company?"

"You cannot do this to us!"


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