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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 86

Seeing that these security guards were about to get physical, Jack wanted to stand up, but he was stopped by the look in Peter's eyes.

"Oh, so you're eager for a fight now that you've taken off your uniforms, huh? Who are you trying to scare, huh?

You think I'm scared? Intimidated? You're dead wrong! You look stupid and ridiculous. I've fought punks scarier than you.

Punks don't bluff and bluster when they fight. They just keep punching. Look at you. Actually, I'd be really happy with your decision. It would be a shame if you all stayed as security guards in Silverland Group."

Peter provoked them relentlessly, irritating them extremely.

He knew that to secure his position as director of the Security Department once and for all, he would need a flashy victory. Unfortunately for these men, they were the targets.

He wanted the group to be agitated and fight. Only in that way could he find an excuse to assert his dominance.

If he wanted to be the director of the Security Department in Silverland Group, he needed more than strength, although it was absolutely impossible without strength.

"Fuck you. You just dug out your own grave!"

"Don't blame us for your injuries, asshole. This is your own doing."

Those provoked security guards inside the room fumed with anger.

Peter was relaxed. He regarded their anger with contempt.

"Hey, you've been bragging for half a day. Planning to get it on? Anyone can do what you're doing: all talk. You should win a barking competition! Surely, you'll win!"

A barking competition?

Who could stand this kind of insult?

The guards were so furious that they finally charged at Peter.

They were like a pack of wolves, bloodthirsty with the desire to tear Peter apart.

The other security guards in the area scattered, moving away from the scene.

They were concerned about the fear of being involved in the scene, but at the same time, they also wanted to see their new security chief's strength.

Two security guards rushed at Peter, trying to slam him fiercely.

They were so strong that the other people couldn't help but react.

Peter just grinned and didn't even dodge. Instead, he raised both his hands and seized the two men's speeding fists.

Before they could react, Peter pulled them towards him and they both fell to the ground, like helpless dogs. They fell chin-first and ended up bleeding.

"You suck. You're lame in fighting. Why not go home to practice for a few more years?" Peter commented and stood waiting for the others.

Standing tall and erect, he was like the God of War.

The other guards started to attack in succession.

It was terribly violent and oddly spectacular.

Peter showed no fear as he hit one man in the chest sending him flying backward. Then, after smashing five or six more security guards, they fell to the ground, unable to stand up.

Without stopping, Peter delivered more kicks. A security guard was thrown back with his mouth bleeding and he crashed into the others.

Peter beat all of them, except one.

In the blink of an eye, only one of the dozen security guards was left standing.

Four of them were so badly injured they couldn't fight anymore as others just fell on the ground awkwardly.

What a shocking scene!

No one thought that Peter could do this! This was like a Hollywood blockbuster!

The guards who were not injured stood up and looked at each other. The anger in their eyes was replaced by fear.

Peter's strength exceeded their expectations, even if they attacked at the same time, they were not at all sure if they could stand a chance.

"You're so weak. Is that all you've got?"

Peter continued to provoke them. It seemed that he had no plans yet to let them go.

These people were against Peter for a reason. Peter would not spare them as they were the sharp ends of the stick. He wanted to destroy their momentum.

Peter believed that if it were him who was in the weak position, these people would be ten times harsher than he was right now.

Hearing his words, the security guards rushed at him once again madly.

Peter sneered, did not wait in place, but rushed over like the whirlwind.

He needed to have a very apparent victory. Only in that way could the rest be subdued and his dominance be established.


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