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My beloved wife novel Chapter 284

On the second day, early in the morning, Aaron had planned to take Rita to the hospital. But something happened in the company all of a sudden. The two of them had to change the plan to the weekend and drove back to the company in a hurry.

After the Leng family's products were listed, almost all the products of other families were suppressed to sale. Because of this, many companies were dissatisfied with the Leng family. As Magee was about to take this opportunity to fight back, Aaron became particularly busy today to handle all the work.

On the other side of the line, Rita was also very busy. The stock of several small companies under her management was now in great danger, but the specific reason was unknown. Rita lay back on the chair and rubbed between her eyebrows. Maybe it had something to do with Magee.

Rita was reading the documents, but unconsciously, she fell asleep on the table. She didn't know how long she had slept, but she didn't wake up for a long long time. Jenny thought she was too tired so she did not have the heart to wake her up, but after a whole afternoon, Jenny realized that something was wrong.

"Ms. Rita, wake up! What happened?"

"Hurry up and send Ms. Rita to the hospital."

Jenny immediately sent Rita to the hospital as she found her fainted.

After knowing the news, Aaron immediately drove there.

When he arrived, Rita was still in a coma.

"Doctor, how is my wife?"

The doctor smiled and said, "Congratulations, sir. Your wife is pregnant for more than two months. It's just that her body is too weak and she fainted because of overwork. Don't let her work too hard in the future."

With a smile on his face, Aaron said, "I see. Thank you very much, doctor."

It was not until evening that Rita woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Aaron sitting on the edge of the bed and smiling at her.

"What's wrong with me?"

Why did Aaron smile so happily when she fell in a faint?

"You have been pregnant for more than two months."


Rita was also happy to hear the news. It was great that the two finally had a baby.

"Of course it's real, but you are too tired now. The doctor said that you must rest more and can't work anymore."

Chapter 284 Rita Was Pregnant 1

Chapter 284 Rita Was Pregnant 2


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