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My beloved wife novel Chapter 285

"Nora, here you are."

"Yes, I'm here to cook the lotus seed gruel for my auntie. Uncle Lambert, would you like to have a taste too?"

Lambert came over, took a bit and nodded slightly.

"Yes, you little girl has grown up."

Although Lambert didn't like Nora before, his attitude towards her had changed a lot since he saw her being particularly obedient recently.

While drinking the soup, Lambert suddenly asked, "I heard that Riri suddenly fainted and was hospitalized today?"

Selena said in a flat tone, "That's right. I think it's time for someone else to take care of her company. After all, she is a girl. Why does she have to learn to be a CEO?"

Lambert frowned and said, "Riri is still in hospital. But you can't wait to change another people to manage her company."

Hearing this, Selena was unhappy. "What do you mean? It seems that I'm really against her on purpose. The company belongs to our Leng family. Don't I even have the right to make a suggestion?"

Lambert1 sneered, "Don't think I have no idea what you are up to."

After saying that, he stood up and went upstairs regardless of Selena's unhappy face.

After Rita was pregnant, in order not to reveal the news, Aaron said to the outside that his wife was in poor health and needed to rest at home for a few days. He specially sent people from his company to Rita's company.

After Rita got pregnant, she was particularly drowsy and stayed at home leisurely these days. As soon as Aaron came back home, he saw her obedient appearance, which satisfied him very much.

One day, Rita finally couldn't stay idle.

"When will you let me out, Aaron Leng? I'm not used to the life not going to work for so long."

Holding her from behind, Aaron thought for a while and said, "I want to take you out for relaxation on weekend. What do you think?"

Rita pouted, "No, I really want to go out now. I can't wait till the weekend."

He coaxed her in a sweet voice, "Honey, don't walk around now. Take good care of our baby at home."

"Then you just think about the baby and don't love me anymore,"

Rita snorted and complained.

He couldn't help laughing and kissed her on the cheek.

"You are my beloved wife. I'll listen to you. You are allowed to go to the company tomorrow."

"Really? That will be great!"

Rita turned around, put her arms around his neck and kissed him on the forehead.

"Of course it's true. Go to bed early today and I can take you out tomorrow."

Rita nodded and said, "Let's drink the hot milk."

On the second day, Aaron drove Rita to the company. When she was about to get out of the car, Aaron told her not to move. He opened the door himself and held Rita in his arms to the company.

"Hey, what are you doing? I can walk myself."

With a smile, Aaron said, "Don't walk too much. I'll take you in."

"I really don't need it..."

Rita's repeated resistance failed, and she was still carried into the company by him. Along the way, all the people in the company were very happy to see Rita back. But it was hard for them to ask when Aaron was aside. But the couple looked so sweet. Aaron carried Rita all the way into the office. That was so romantic to the staff.

After putting Rita on the chair, Aaron reminded her, "Don't walk around. Remember to have a good lunch. I'll ask Wendy to bring the lunch here for you."

"Don't bother. I can order the take-out myself. It's OK."

Chapter 285 Mr. Aaron Spoiled His Wife In Various Ways 1

Chapter 285 Mr. Aaron Spoiled His Wife In Various Ways 2


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