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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 2

Tucked under the covers, Bailey and Mirabella unpaused the scary movie and leaned back into the pillows.

Bailey hunched up the covers until they covered her chin and she could literally feel Mirabella tremble. The two clearly got frightened easily but still, enjoy a good scary movie on sleepover nights.

"Kristina should've been here." Mirabella sighed. Kristina was their other best friend who couldn't make it tonight.

Bailey nodded, agreeing with her. If Kristina was here, she'd most likely scream the house down. Nothing better than annoying and disturbing Kaleb's night with his 'guest'.

The two flinched when something scary looking and equally disgusting appeared on the screen. Bailey swallowed the scream that bubbled in her throat and winced when the monster chopped through his next victim.

"Oh, that's some bloody sh*t." Mirabella gagged and Bailey agreed with her.

"Ahhh!" Mirabella screamed a little, which caused Bailey to jump in fright.

"What the f*ck, Mirabella?!" Bailey shouted and looked at her best friend with wide eyes. The two only took a second, and then busted out in laughter. The sound rang through the air.

"You nearly had me peeing my pants," Bailey said between giggles and Mirabella slapped her shoulder playfully.

Suddenly there's a slight bang on the wall where the head of the bed was. Both Bailey and Mirabella froze in both confusion and irritation as they already knew what made that random noise. Then comes in the-

"Oh, Kaleb!" The girl screeched the house down.

It was amazing how loud she could go. Her voice alone almost made the walls tremble. It was the way Kaleb must have been fucking her that caused his headboard to slam against the wall, thus creating that sound that both Bailey and Mirabella heard.

"Oh, right there. Yes! F*ck me right there!" The girl screamed and Bailey winced when the headboard banged against the wall.

Damn, he was rough...

"That f*cking toad!" Mirabella screeched and comically threw her arms and legs around.

"F*ck, Kaleb." The girl moaned louder, not caring that there was anyone else in the house.

If Kaleb's and Mirabella's parents were here...

"I can't believe him! Today was supposed to be movie night!" Mirabella whined and skimmed the bed for the remote. She turned up the volume and the frightened screams overpowered the sounds of the girl. Only problem was that the screams were so loud that Bailey winced. Her eardrums begged for mercy, literally.

Mirabella sighed in relief as if she had just found the cure for cancer and leaned back on her bed, only to jump back when the banging on the wall got louder.

"F*ck!" Mirabella screamed in irritation. "That nasty bastard. I'm so tired of hearing his nastiness almost every night. Mom and dad have spoken to him about bringing girls here, but he still sneaks them in!" Mirabella huffed.


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