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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 24

Bailey's pov

My heart thrums in my chest painfully as I glowered at the bracelet in his hand, hoping that I was imagining things. But as time passed, I realize that the hand was still there and the bracelet was very well there too.

How did he even know I was here?!

My mouth suddenly goes dry when he speaks again, his voice holding so much amusement. " Are you going to stay under my bed the entire night Bailey?"

He playfully waggle the bracelet, as if taunting me.

I knew I couldn't stay hidden under his bed forever, and I also needed to come up with an explanation for being in his room and looking for the bracelet. Panic set in as I realized I couldn't just stay silent.

With a deep breath, I squeezed my way out from under his bed, standing up and dusting myself off while I looked at the floor, now finding it more fascinating than conversing with him.

" You need to sweep under your bed, it's dusty." I grumble, trying to play it cool and coy despite knowing how I was caught red handed. This is so embarrassing. There was really no explanation that can save me from this kind of mortifcation.

Kaleb chuckled, clearly enjoying the situation. I squirmed, feeling the weight of his eyes on me. Little goosebumps raise on my skin as he took a step forward, leading him directly in front of me, just a couple inches apart.

" Are you really trying to change the subject, Bailey?" His voice loaded with amusement. " Have you come all the way here for this?" He dangled the bracelet in my face, teasing me.

I ignored his taunt and lied. " It's dark, I can't see what you're showing me here." I tried to side step him but he gripped my arm, preventing me from moving away from him.

He let out a heavy sigh, almost like he was frustrated with me. " This is getting fucking ridiculous Bailey. I know this bracelet belongs to you."

I wrenched my hand out of his hold, glaring at him and rubbing the skin where he touched, trying to rub off the feeling of his fingers on me. " Many bracelets look the same. It's not mine."

Kaleb let out an irritated grunt and moved away from me as if angered. He stormed away and I take that as my chance to escape but his gruff voice stops me. " If you leave, I'll call the cops."

I froze.

He wouldn't......

The light suddenly is switched on and I pinched my eyes at the abrupt assault.

" You trespassed," He chuckled supposedly already knowing he had me in the palm of his hand. Not liking the feeling, I whipped around and glared at him.

His smirk is wide on his face, the slight dimple on his cheek showing. His eyes peer at me across the room and he chuckled. " You'd look hot in handcuffs, flower."

I pressed my teeth together, grinding as I sneered at him. I cross my arms and kept my glare on my face.

Kaleb's playful attitude didn't waver, even as I stood there, fuming with embarrassment and frustration. He continued to taunt me with that infuriating smirk on his face, making me boil with anger silently.

He struts over to me, his gaze never leaving mine and I couldn't help but feel a strange mingle of annoyance and want. He stops before me, his faint cologne reaching my nose once more and making my mouth water.


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