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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 30

Bailey's pov

For a guy who was limping he sure freaking walks fast!

Kaleb had already got to the double doors before I even caught up to him. But you can't blame me, I had to run down the bleachers and across the field! I never claimed to be athletic.

He walked into the the building and my quick footsteps turn into a sprint. I huff by the time I got to the door and pushed it open. He's not far up ahead and it almost seemed like he was slowing down.

" Kaleb!" I called out, rushing over to him. He stops but doesn't turn around. I am panting when I finally catch up to him, worried a bit when he stays silent.

" Are you okay? " I whispered, clutching my back as I eyed the side of his face. He nod and continued walking forward.

My brows furrowed. Just a nod?

Is he seriously going to act cold now when I am genuinely worried about him?

I followed after him silently, concerned that if I said another word we'd be arguing....but I did want to make sure he was okay. He took a nasty tackle and clearly got a strain or something.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I just followed after him. He enters the nurses office and we caught her just in time. She was packing up her stuff but when she sees Kaleb she rushes over to him.

" What did you do this time?" Nurse Charles scowled, her grey brows drawing in a pinch of concern as she helped Kaleb to the bed. He sits down, his eyes refusing to look at me. Yet I am glad he didn't tell me to leave.

" I think I strained it a bit."

She sighed and told him to remove his shoes and socks. I find myself drawing closer, wanting to be near him.

He winces, pulling the socks off his feet. His ankle is a bit red.

Nurse Charles hummed and inspected his foot, nudging her glasses on her nose while leaning closer to get a better look at his ankle.

" Will he be okay?" the worried question came from me as I peered down at Kaleb's ankle.

Nurse Charles glanced at me and smiled. " It doesn't look too bad. Icing it down will help."

" Like you care," Kaleb suddenly snorted, looking anywhere but me, but I knew his words were directed at me.

" Beg your pardon?" Nurse Charles wrenched back in shock, seeming to think his words were directed at her.

Kaleb shook his head. " Not you," his head lift and his eyes pinned me. "Her."

I felt like I'd just been slapped across the face. Kaleb's words stung and made my chest feel tight.

" Of course I care." my brows furrowed, wondering when did I ever give him that idea that I didn't care about him. Even though we never saw eye to eye I always cared for Kaleb.


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