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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 32

Bailey's pov

I could feel the collective gaze of the room on me, and I struggled to come up with a reasonable explanation for the hickey. But nothing seem come to mind and my temples pinch slightly.

Katrina glanced at me with a knowing smile, her eyes dancing with amusement, while Nurse Charles simply raised an eyebrow, as if she was waiting patiently for the excuse I would come up with.

Does Katrina suspect what was going on?

Kaleb's lips curved into a sly grin as he leaned back on the bed, clearly enjoying the situation he'd put me in.

Before I could come up with an excuse, Mira pressed on. " It's so red and looks fresh," her brows furrowed as she stared at me confusion and surprise.

She moves closer to me to obvious inspect it to make sure and by instinct my hands lift to cover over it. Well where I thought it was.

Damn you Kaleb.

I cleared my throat my mind and heart racing. "Uh well, it's just a..." my head hurt as I try my best to come up with something that won't have Mira even more suspicious. Her eyes narrowed as she waited for my response.

With my heart thrumming against my chest I blurted out. "It's a rash. Yeah, a rash."

Mira's brows lifted in surprised. " A rash?" then they furrowed. " It wasn't there earlier?" by her tone, it revealed how confused she is at the moment.

" It was," Katrina butted in, saving me. " I saw it."

I let out a breath of relief, grateful she came to my rescue but I knew she had put two and two together and suspected Kaleb and me.

Mira looked at the rash and chewed on her lips, with a nod she lets it go. " I must've missed it. You should put an ointment on that."

Nurse Charles nodded, agreeing with Mira. " If it's a persistent rash you may need to go to the doctor to have it checked out."

I know the old lady was teasing me, especially with the smirk playing on her lips as she stared at both Kaleb and I.

I nod and looked away, my face flustered. Nurse Charles continued to tend to Kaleb's ankle. After a few Ryan and Stefan showed up to check up on Kaleb. Stefan apologized for tackling Kaleb and Ryan voiced out how the coach was an asshole for not allowing him to help Kale go to the nurses office.

" It's fine. I told you I could walk on my own. It's a tiny sprain and I barely feel it now. " Kaleb grumble, lifting his leg to show his ankle. The swelling had one down a lot. And the red tinge that had been there was no longer visible.

Nurse Charles tapped his foot and stood up. " you only need to get yourself some painkillers to get you through the night if the pain is uncomfortable."

Kaleb nods and nurse Charles continued. " Continue to ice it down at home."

Nurse Charles continued to instruct Kaleb on what to do to make sure the ankle gets healed nicely but after a few I noticed his eyes were glaring hard, not on me but on Stefan who stood beside me, his hands in his front pockets.

" I'm kind of surprised I managed to tackle Mr. Tough guy over here," He joked, his voice low for only me to hear. I giggled but stopped abruptly when I realized Kaleb was glaring a hole in Stefan's head.

My brows drew together, confused by the sudden tension in the room and the surprising glare he sent Stefan's way that could melt steel.


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