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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 37

Bailey's pov

I could have turned around and walked away, but I chose to stay. Not only because I was too proud but because Mira had already seen me and waved at me. Walking away would have just led her to question me.

I mustered up a small smile as the three approached. I of course, kept my gaze only on Mira, avoiding the other two. I could feel his gaze piercing through me and squirmed.

" Good morning," Mira chirped throwing her hands around both Katrina and me. I smiled but made a mistake by looking over. My eyes fell in his and the smile wipes off my face.

He's glaring at me like I had stepped on his foot.

I tore my eyes away but they fell on her. She stood close to him as though she already claimed him as hers. I could not help but feel bitter.

Mira pulled away and turned around. "Remember Juliet guys?"

Juliet was always pretty in middle school, the most beautiful and popular girl. With her auburn hair, brown eyes and pretty features she really was strikingly gorgeous. It is no wonder after she left Kaleb went into a depression and slept around with the entire female population. Sadly I was now one of them.

Juliet's lips were painted red and her eyes sparkled innocently as she brushed her hand down her flowery dress that stopped mid thigh.

I wanted to snort. Everyone always thought Juliet was innocent because the girl was very talented enough to hide her true vile personality. Either her acting skills grew or, she really had changed.

She smiled, her eyes dancing from Katrina and me happily. " I remember you two," her eyes flicker back to me. " Especially you Bailey."

Of course you did, you picked on me for having freckles on my nose.

I forced a tight smile, trying to hide the sourness I truly felt. "Yes, I remember you too, Juliet," I replied, my voice carrying a polite tone despite my annoyance.

Her grin widened and I wince. " I may be tagging along your little clique for a while. Dad made Kaleb promise to stay by my side and show me around." She chirped and my eyes drop to her hand that snuck around Kaleb's to hold.

Having enough, I decided to not torture myself. " Well I'll catch up with you guys later, I have an exam to study for." I lied, turning around to leave.

" Want us to come with?" Mira questioned behind me.

" No," I rushed out. I really just needed to be alone. I turned around, walking backwards as I smiled forcefully at Mira. " You know I like to study alone. I'll be in the library."

Mira's brows furrowed in concern. She must think I really do want to study to pass Kaleb in the exam.

" Ooph sorry," I apologized to a boy I backed into and turn around to enter the building.

I know I acted strange but hopefully Mira and Katrina can spare me some space to think alone.


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