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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 40

Bailey's pov

I quickly created distance between Kaleb and me as my heart pounded in my chest furiously. Where we were you'd not be able to spot us as soon as you enter, but there was a good chance Mira would walk over here.

I looked at Kaleb, pleading with him to help me make sure she doesn't find out in this way. He nods and motions me to hurry up go over there so she wouldn't have time to get here to see us both.

I nod and gripped my bag while rushing over to the door. I had just took the left turn when I saw her ready to walk further in. When she saw me her brows knot. " Why do you look as though you've just stumbled upon a ghost?"

I smiled awkwardly. " You know how I hate being late for class. I'm kind of panicking." I lied and she bought it.

" Katrina already went to her class, we're not that late to ours." She said as we stepped out of the library. " You're coming with me to the after party after the guys win by the way."

I gave her a look. I agreed to come to the game, not a party. Dad would kill me.

" My dad-

" Will allow you if I beg him on my knees. I need both you and Katrina there, I can't go alone." She pouted as we scurry our way to the class.

I sighed. " Mira, we promised to not go to any parties anymore."

She scratch the back of her head, wincing. " I know but I just made a deal with Ryan again and I'm not losing that hundred bucks. I'll split it with you and Katrina."

" Another bet Mira? Really? Remember how that turned out the last time?"

She cringed and nod. " I know, I had to clean up the used condoms in Kaleb's room," she shivered and gagged. " But this time it's not our house and there is money involved."

" Who's house is it?" I inquired.

" Ryan's." She shrugged. " I'm going to make a huge ass mess too. Make sure he'll be cleaning for days."

There was something she wasn't telling me and I wanted to know. " Mira." I hummed.

She gave me a nervous glance as though she knew what I was about to ask her. " What is this bet about this time?"

To my surprise Mira's face flamed brightly and she stuttered. " Oh look, the classroom." she pointed at the door. " We should hurry before Mr. Elis doesn't allow us to enter."

She completely swept my question under the rug which made me intrigued to know the bet she and Ryan made between each other. Intrigued enough to want to go to the party, even though we were not sure if we'd win anyway.


The crowd goes wild around me, the loud cheers making my ears ring. The boys aren't here yet, the game hasn't started but the cheerleaders were doing their routines.

I spotted Katrina right away and she waved at Mira and I just before she did a flip.

" That lucky bitch. I can only wish I was this flexible," Mira grumble, staring at Katrina in awe. I giggled and nod.

" It's not to late to join. Heard there is a missing spot on the team after Hessa broke her ankle." I teased her, knowing fully well that Mira didn't have one cheer bone in her body.

Mira entertained me by flipping her hair and snorting. " I just might. I'll be better than Hessa anyway."

I snorted a chuckle. " Right, by being more clumsy."

She faked glared at me. " You take that back."

I laughed but it ceased when she spotted us. In her hand is a cup of coffee and on her face is a bright beam as she stared at us. I stiffen when she makes her way over.

Who drinks coffee before a game?

" Mirabella and Bailey!" Her grin widens as she swoop past people, making sure to not stumble forward. She'd have to walk past me to have that empty seat beside Mira.

Mira waves at her politely, though she groaned under her breath.

Juliet practically skips towards us but when she got closer to me, a glint in her eyes made the hairs behind my neck stand up. This girl was up to something.


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