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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 55

Bailey's pov

Her eyes are glued to Kaleb and me, especially on his hand. I know this looked rather intimate so I had no idea how to explain this.

Good thing Kaleb had quick thinking. " I think I got rid of it." he uttered loud enough for Mira to hear while brushing his hand down my back as though there was something there that shouldn't have been.

He takes a step back, looking over at his sister. " What are you doing here?" He questioned her, clearly want to stray her thoughts away from where it had drifted off to.

Mira bounced her gaze between us, the tilt of accusation on her face as she takes a step forward. " The better question is why were you two in that position?"

My stomach twisted and I know I may have to come up with an excuse or confess. But I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to, fearing that this would be the end of our friendship.

" There was a tiny spider on her clothes, I was simply getting it off," Kaleb shrugged, strutting forward and acting neutral. I am jealous of how cool and calm he could be and I wish I could at least possess some of that for myself at the moment.

Mira doesn't look convinced but she didn't have time to question him further as he opened the door to leave. " I'll drop you both home, come on." He said over his shoulder just before he closed the door.

Mira swept her gaze back to mine after her brother close the door behind him, her brows are still drawn and she's eyeing me firmly.

" Why was my brother so close to you Bailey?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. Mira was not foolish and I knew there was a high chance she didn't believe Kaleb's words.

I smiled awkwardly. " There was a spider on my clothes, he was just getting it."

Mira's eyes narrowed and I could almost see the gears turning in her head. I prayed she'd believe me but I knew she didn't.

"A spider?" she repeated, skepticism evident in her tone. She hums."Seems like an odd excuse."

I bit my lip, desperately searching for a more believable explanation. I racked my head until it pounded. "Yeah, it was a big one. You know how I hate crawly things and Kaleb know's as well. he was just being good for once and helping me."

She studied me for a moment, and I could tell she wasn't entirely convinced. But perhaps God was finally back on my side because she sighed and nod.

"Alright, if you say so," she finally accepted. "But you two looked like you were caught in a moment or something. Are you sure there's nothing going on between you and my brother Bailey?"

I sucked in a breath and clenched my fists. The seconds of silence that tick by is convincing her of her suspicion and I knew I had to answer before it was too late.

" God no Mira. Kaleb and me," I pushed and pursed my lips while looking away so she would not see the guilt in my eyes. " Kaleb could be the last guy on earth and I'd never think of being with him."


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