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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 57

Bailey's pov

I sat there, stunned and speechless, re-reading his messages over and over again. Kaleb was coming to pick me up in three hours for our first date? This was not only unexpected but so sudden especially after the tension between us earlier.

But the way he expressed his intentions sent a shiver down my spine and I can't help but feel a buzz of excitement and nerves.

The idea of going on a first date with Kaleb made my heart flutter and for butterflies to stir in my belly. As far as I know, Kaleb had never been one to go on dates with any girl he has ever been with before.

That alone made me smile as I type out a quick okay, excitement buzzing in my body.


I have been under the shower spray for the longest, running my hand through my hair nervously. There's an anxious feeling in my body as the time ticks by.

It has since been two and a half hours since I got the text from Kaleb. We settled on a time and he would be here in exactly thirty minutes to pick me up for our first date.

I am on edge, uncertain on how to dress or where we were going. He said it was a surprise which heightened my nerves.

I closed the tap and stepped out of the shower. Wrapping the towel around me I walked to the mirror.

I stood in front staring at my reflection that was blurry from the steam that lingered in the bathroom. With a sigh I wiped away the fog and stared at myself, contemplating what to wear for the date.

Since I didn't have a clue on where exactly we were to go, I didn't know what I should wear. I wanted impress him and I never wanted to impress anyone before.

But how do I impress someone who had seen way hotter girls before?

I chewed on my lips as I towel dried my hair then plug the blow dryer. As the hot cool air brushed on my strands my stomach weighed with tickling butterflies.

Come on Bailey, it's not like you need to overdress to impress Kaleb. This is Kaleb, you've known him for years. He won't care how you dress.

Sighing, I continued to blow dry my hair and when done, I walked out the bathroom to make a beeline for my closet. I pulled out a simple shirt and a ripped jean shorts. I got dressed and picked up my phone to check for not only the time but to see if Kaleb had sent a text.

It's almost five thirty and he can be here any second now. I squealed inwardly, smiling as I hurried toward the bathroom.

I needed to make sure I looked good. I pouted when some of my hair looked frizzy. Crouching, I opened the cabinet at the bottom of the sink to pull out some leave in conditioner. As I applied it to my hair, I stood up and peered at my reflection.

I flushed.

Doing all this for a guy.

" Will he even notice my efforts?" I whispered, brushing my fingers through my hair to make sure I had no fly aways.

" I will."

I froze, my eyes bulging slightly as his voice reaches my ears. I must be day dreaming or hallucinating. There is no way Kaleb is here right now, in my room, just a few steps away.....

I turned my eyes slightly to catch him in the reflection of the mirror. He is leaning against the doorframe, a soft smile on his face. There's a twinkle in his eyes as he peered at me.

I roll my bottom lip between my teeth and bite shyly.

His smile widen and he pushes off the doorframe, striding over to me. " You look beautiful." he whispered, now standing behind me and studying me through the mirror. The peek of his white teeth flashed as he grinned.


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