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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 87

Bailey's pov

Hearing my words, Kaleb's eyes widen a bit in surprise, his eyebrows lifting slightly. He cupped my cheek tenderly, leaning forward. "Of course not? Have you forgotten what I said earlier?"

My brows furrowed. So many things happened all at once that I can't recall if I missed anything important. The corner of his lips pulled up slightly into a small smile.

" Have you forgotten so soon baby?" he joked, brushing his thumb down my cheek tenderly. " I admitted that I am very selfish when it comes to you. Very to the point I can't let you go even when I should. Do you think," he whispered, eyes gleaming with so much honesty my heart pounds.

"I'd ever be able to let you go?" He whispered, leaning forward and kissing me on my forehead. "Wait until I find out who has been doing this to you and I'll drag them to hell myself."

It's been a week and everything has gone to practically normal. There had been no threat against my life or anything out of the ordinary.

My wound in my foot was healing up pretty well and so was the one on my hand. I still limped a bit when I walked, but my boyfriend would always carry me to my classes, so there was never need for me to walk too much on my foot to further hurt it even more.

"I can walk you know." I told Kaleb as he held me to him. He was taking his cool time to get to the classroom.

"And I can carry you," he smirked. "I can do much more than that actually." When he saw my flushed cheeks his smirk widened and he chuckled. " Are you thinking something naughty my little flower?"

I smacked his chest playfully, flushing even more as he let out a chuckle.

As he opened the door and walked across the room, I noticed the few students who were already seated there and their attention on us. More specifically him.

Everyone was still a bit gobsmacked by seeing this very different side of Kaleb. The side he never showed to anyone but me.

He gently plant me down on the seat and put my bag on the desk. He sat beside me because we had the same class.

I yelled when he gripped my chair and desk and suddenly tug them towards him until they stuck to his chair and desk.

I gave him an 'are you serious' look which he answered with a sheepish smile while uttering. " In case you need my help with anything."

I rolled my eyes, fighting off my smile. "I'm not disabled Kaleb. I think I can write on my own."

"Your hand still hurts, no?"

I raised a brow, lifting my injured hand. "It's not my dominant hand. I don't write with it."


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