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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 91

Mira's pov

I am so embarrassed Bailey and Kristina saw the last few texts Ryan sent me. I am not only embarrassed but surprised by his words too.

And somehow...I will admit I felt a bit funny reading those texts. Funny in a good way. Funny in a very unsettling tingly way.

However I could not have the girls notice, so I schooled my features and rolled my eyes. "He's so annoying," I lied and quickly texted him that the tests were not for me but for one of the girls in my class. "Why would he even send this? Gross."

When I looked up from the phone I saw Bailey give me a 'Oh please you liked it' look while Kristina raised one of her brows, lifting a hand to wipe her tears and smiled for the first time we got here.

I cracked a grin myself, happy that I got to make her smile.

However when Ryan texts me back I frowned.

Annoying Ryan: Well then I'm not her baby daddy so she should get him to buy it for her.

I let out a frustrated breath and smacked my thumbs across the screen, irritated with him.

Mira: God Ryan I'm just trying to help her out.

Annoying Ryan: Only you can make me go in that store and get three pregnancy tests Mira. But if I do this I want something in return.

I bit my lip, sweeping a shy nervous glance at the girls to see that they were watching me like a hawk. I cleared my throat.

"He's trying to bargain with me." I admitted, leaning my bum on the table and pretending to be nonchalant even though my heart was pounding furiously in my chest and my hands became clammy.

Ryan. He's the only one who can turn me into this mess.

"Bargain?" Bailey had a small teasing lift of her lips as she stared at me with amusement clear in her eyes.

I nod, dropping my eyes on the phone so I could not look at them and witness their teasing. I hated feeling out of control and Ryan had a good way of making me feel out of control.

I let out a gust of frustration.


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