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My Big-Buck Ex Won't Let Me Go novel Chapter 12

As soon as he returned home, he was questioned by Mr. Ted. Shawn with a straight face, didn't say anything. He glanced at Windy, who seemed to be on a drip. He frowned slightly, looked at Marvin and asked, "What's wrong with her?"

Before Marvin could answer, Wilson walked to the side of Shawn and complained to him, "Windy took care of Carol yesterday for a whole daytime, and you didn't care about her at all. I heard from Nancy that she didn't have dinner last night when she came back. She was so tired that she slept until this morning, and now she has a high fever."

It turned out that Windy had a fever. Thinking that she was tired because of taking care of Carol, he walked to the bedside, stretched out his slender and good-looking hand and touched her forehead. It was really hot.

"Take good care of her." Shawn said lightly, turned around and walked out of the room without hesitation, as if he was treating an irrelevant person and didn't care about Windy at all.

Staring coldly at Shawn who was about to leave the room, Ted snapped, "Stop!"

Hearing the angry voice of Ted, Shawn stopped. His tall figure stood upright with his back to the people in the room, with a strong aura that could not be ignored.

"Wait for me in the living room." Ted said.

Shawn stood there in silence for a while, biting his lips tightly. Then he walked out of the room again.

After being scolded by Ted, Shawn didn't go to the hospital to see Carol anymore. After work in the afternoon, he received a call from her and asked him to go to the hospital to see her. But he found an excuse to refuse, saying that there was something to deal with in the company.

Feeling annoyed, Shawn didn't go home directly. Instead, he made an appointment with a few friends to drink together.

The Palace was one of the industries of the Dragon Empire group. It was a place of feasting, revelry and dissipation. It was always open to receive guests all day and night.

A luxurious black Rolls-Royce with domineering and arrogant momentum suddenly braked and stopped steadily at the gate of The Palace.

When the car door opened, a shiny black leather shoes fell into the eyes of people, followed by a pair of straight and long legs, and finally a cold, noble and arrogant handsome face, like ice and frost, gloomy, shot into people's sight, with a sense of coldness that could not be ignored.

The well cut black suit wrapped the perfect figure of the man.

He closed the door gracefully and walked into The Palace. Wherever he walked, many people looked back. Those who knew him bowed respectfully and called, "Mr. Shawn."

Shawn didn't bother to look around from beginning to end. He walked steadily towards his exclusive VIP room.

"Brother is here." As soon as Shawn appeared, he heard the voice of Kyle.

Hearing this, the handsome and unrestrained man turned to look at Shawn, with a meaningful smile on Todd's face and eyes. He touched his chin and said slowly, "Why are you alone? Why don't you bring Windy?"

Hearing what Todd said, Shawn frowned and looked at him coldly. A few seconds later, he withdrew his gaze and walked to the sofa and sat down elegantly.


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