Chapter 0296
Chapter 0296
“Hazel, thank God.” He rushed to me, threw his arms around me, and held me close.
Finally, after hours and hours of feeling on edge, adrenaline surging with fear and worry..
Finally, I could relax. And I did, sinking fully into the safety of Logan’s embrace.
“We have to get her a new phone,” Dylan sald from somewhere behind us. “New clothes. Probably a new Car We left everything behind. I’m going to sue the hell out of that police station.”
“Tomorrow,” Logan said. His voice rumbled in his chest under my ear. I held on tighter.
“Tomorrow,” Dylan agreed, softer. “I’m taking the spare room. I need eight hours before I can deal with any of this.”
“It’s yours,” Logan said.
The stairs creaked, presumably as Dylan went up them.
In the quiet, I knew Logan and I were alone.
I’m so sorry, Hazel,” Logan said. “I can’t believe he went this far…”
It wasn’t okay, so I couldn’t comfort him as I normally would. Instead, I said, “As long as we are together, we will survive.”
Logan hummed and kissed my forehead.
“Are you hungry?” he asked.
“No,” I told him.
“I don’t know.” Then I remembered the holding tank. “I’d like to get a shower,” I said. “In the jail… I can still
smell it.”
“A shower it is.”
Logan stepped back from me. Before I could panic, he laced his fingers with mine and then led me towards the stairs. He passed a closed door where we could hear Dylan on his phone..
“I’m telling you, the entire place was corrupt…”
So much for needing those
Logan led me to the end of
He stopped just outside of
“I can join you,” he said.
The thought was tempting gross feeling with him.
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small full bath with a
didn’t want to share this
Chapter 0296
“When I don’t feel like I have this… muck all over me, I want to be held,” I told him. “All night if possible.”
The readers' comments on the novel: My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan)
Where is the rest ,...