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My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan) novel Chapter 297

Chapter 0297 

I slipped into bed with Logan, who roused awake at the slight jostling of the bed

Hazel?he asked

It’s me.” 

Rolling toward me, he opened his arms. I quickly took my place in the space between them

Do you feel better now?he asked, his voice groggy with sleep

Infinitely,I replied

Good.His eyes started to close

Listening to the steady beat of his heart and the soft rise and fall of his chest with his breath, I too felt like I might fall under sleep’s embrace at any moment

But then, in the quiet dark of the bedroom, Logan whispered, I wouldn’t blame you, you know. If you left.” 

Left what?” The apartment

Me,he said

LoganYou can’t be serious.” 

Logan held me tight enough that I couldn’t lean back to see his face. Because of this, I could only assume that he had indeed meant it, even if it was the musings of a mostlyasleep man

My grandfather has tremendous influence, and money to make anything possibleLogan said. He told me he’d rather burn down his own legacy than see it fall into my hands. He wasn’t joking. He’s going to try to take me down” 

We’ll stop him,I said, keeping my voice strong with purpose, hoping he could feel my sincerity, as well as my devotion. I’m not going anywhere Logan, so you can get that thought right out of your head.” 

He hummed. GoodThe word was slurred, and quickly his breathing evened out. He snored lightly, his breaths ruffling my hair

Quickly, I followed him under

When I opened my eyes again, morning was creeping through the windows, warming me, even as the bed beside me was now cold

“Logan?I asked, sitting up. I glanced at the bathroom, but the door was opened, the light turned off

I rolled out of bed and crept toward the door to the bedroom. Opening it, I heard voices echoing up from the living room downstairs

So it’s a war, then,Dylan said. He’s going to destroy his legacy. How do you think he’ll do it?” 

I have no idea,Logan said. But we need to figure it out, and fast. You didn’t see the look in his eyes, Dylan. It was almost dead. He’s fanatical about this. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before!” 

“He groomed you to be his perfect heir,Dylan said. You can’t fault yourself for not seeing something you 

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Chapter 0297 

were brainwashed never to notice. You see it now, and that’s enough” 

If I’d known sooner 

You’d still be in deep shit,Dylan said. This is the hand we were dealt, let’s play it out

I cleared my throat as I came down the stairs, not wanting them to think I was eavesdropping

Both men looked up. Logan stood and came to the bottom of the stairs

Hey, sleepy head. We didn’t wake you, did we?he asked

“No. I woke up on my own.I rubbed at my eyes. Did anything new happen last night?” 

Logan and Dylan glanced at each other, and then back at me

LoganDon’t lie to me.” 

Show her,Logan said to Dylan


sure that’s a good idea,Dylan said

She deserves to see,Logan replied

Nerves in my throat, I came down the rest of the stairs and then walked into the living room. Logan stayed beside me every step, but didn’t touch me

Dylan leaned down, plucked the remote from the coffee table, and clicked on the television

I don’t know if by chance or if this was the station they had looked at before they turned it off, but one of the twentyfour hour news channels appeared on the screen. On it, a newscaster was making some kind of report only, the image in the corner, showing what she was reporting on, was me

Dylan unmuted the volume

Shocking news in the high society scene as sources have revealed a seductress, Hazel Whitaker, has come between Logan Hatfield and Tina St. Louis. The socialite Ms. St. Louis is reportedly, quote, absolutely devastated that the man she trusted so implicitly could betray her like this.End quote.” 

That’s my pictureI say belatedly. That’s my name… 

Unfortunately, this is national news,Dylan said, Whether it was Tina who released the story to the press, or Hatfield Senior, we don’t know. I tried to get them to stop the story when it first broke, but it was too big. Too many clicks.” 

Your name is out there now,Logan said

If I’d still had my phone, I imagined it might be blowing up. Maybe it was a blessing it got left in that car on the side of the road

What was the saying? Be careful what you wish for? I wanted to be Logan’s one and only, and now I was. Granted, the only way people saw me was as a temptress and a harlot, not as Logan’s actual wife….I guessed beggars couldn’t be choosers 

It’s okayI said weakly

It’s not,Logan said at once


Chapter 0297 

It’s not,Dylan agreed, but not as assuredly

Logan and I both looked at him

You have a plan,Logan said

Dylan hummed. The starts of one.” 

Maybe if we talked it through,I suggested

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Alright.Dylan muted the television, Thank God, because I was already getting sick of hearing my name on the speakers. So far, we have totally lost control of the narrative” 


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